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Life goes on. 

For the next few years there's a packed schedule for Scarlett. She's in constant demand which means I also am as well - but with that occasionally I have crossed paths with Chris. A few months after the split the last Avengers film premiered and we said a brief hello. He was at Scarlett's wedding and once again there was nothing more than just a quick conversation. It was more relaxed though and even though things ended the way they did, we've kept in contact, but not as much as I would've liked. Now it's just a couple of likes here and there on Instagram and that's as far as it really goes. 

He's dated again, I know from what Josh has been telling me. We still talk so I have that inside information. At least he's happy.

Even now I still get comments about whether Chris and I are still friends, do I still see him. I don't answer them of course. I never have. I want to say yes just to get them off my back. Maybe one day I'll be able to. I'd like to get back to what we had, even though it won't ever be the same. 

I have a missed call from Josh one morning as I've come back from grocery shopping and finally have settled in my office. I call him back and he answers straight away. "Hey stranger". 

"Hey! How you doing Cam?" 

"Great, how's everything where you are?" 

"Been busy, got Lightyear premiering soon, then Gray Man the next month so it's back to back travelling. He's gonna be tired". 

"Yeah I bet - the big 4-0 this year. I bet he's thrilled". 

Josh chuckles. "Yet he still think's he's twenty four sometimes. He's probably gonna slow it right down soon though". 

"You think?" I ask. "He's been saying that since Avengers ended". 

"He's gotten more picky with what he takes". He says, "Anyway I was calling to ask something". 

"Riiiight?" I say not knowing what he's gonna ask of me. 

He goes straight into it. "So, he's in London on his birthday, and I think he's feeling a little shit about it, being away from family and stuff. Now we're having a party when he's back from doing all things Lightyear, but...well...I kind of wondered whether you'd be able to square it with Scarlett and come to London to surprise him". 

I open my mouth and then close it again. "I don't know Josh..." 

"I know, but I'm gonna be honest with you - he's been a miserable fucker since you left. Anxiety's not been fantastic. He misses you and I know he does, but he always denies it. Says he did it for you so that you could go places, make something of yourself without being stuck indoors sorting his bills". 

"I mean, I pretty much still do that when I'm not on set with Scarlett". I half laugh. "Wasn't he seeing someone?" 

"They called it quits a few months ago, they were together about a year or so but even then I could see his heart wasn't really in it towards the end". Josh admits. 

I take out my diary and look at June. I can move a few things but I'd need to talk to Scarlett. "I'm looking at my schedule now, I could probably make it work". 

"Really?" Josh brightens. 

"Yeah. I wouldn't get in until early morning of the 13th though..." 

"He's got a couple of interviews with some morning shows that morning, then the premiere will be late afternoon - he's not gonna stick around, says he's just gonna turn up, have pictures and then head back to the hotel and facetime family". 

I let him down before, I can't do it on his birthday - especially as he doesn't really have anyone with him apart from his team. 

"I'll talk to Scarlett and I'll call you back. I can make it work if I move a few things around though". 

"Thanks Cam, I appreciate it. I know he will too when he sees you". 

I smile and we say goodbye. I then go to find Scarlett who's with the kids in the playroom. "Hey, can I have a word?" 

"Sure". She grins, bouncing Cosmo on her lap. 

"Josh just called. He wants me to go to London for Chris's birthday to surprise him. He's got a premiere there and he thinks..." 

"Go". Is all she says. 

I blink. "What?" 

"You need to go". She smiles at me. "I don't care what we move, but you need to go to him". 

"Are you sure?" 

She nods at this. "I know he still cares about you, and you aren't over him. Go call Josh back and then book your flight. I don't mind how long you take - gives me time to spend with these cuties". She grins at the kids. 

"Thanks Scar". 

I go back to the office and manage to book my flight, then I call Josh and speak before he can as he picks up. 

"Count me in for London". 

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