101. I Gotta Get Through This

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Ron didn't let go of Sloane's hand as he stomped out of the portrait hole and off to the year 8's common room with the guard on duty, Phil, running along behind them, trying desperately to hold up his trousers as he went. But Ron kept up the pace, rushing now, determined to do this before he chickened out or allowed the intrusive thoughts to creep back in. He practically shouted the password as they approached and didn't even slow down as the portrait swung open and he hopped in with Sloane running out of breath behind him, right up the stairs only stopping when they reached a large bedroom door with Ron's name attached. 

"I will wait downstairs," Phil said gruffly not looking at the couple, a little horrified at what they might be doing. 

Ron rolled his eyes. "If Luna or Draco come here looking for us, can you send them up?" He looked to Sloane. "It may take a few of us to sort out this mess." Phil let out a huge sigh and smiled, nodding before turning and heading back down to the common room, in much better spirits. Ron chuckled when he was out of earshot. "Merlin knows what he was thinking."

"Mind in the gutter," Sloane tutted but tried not to laugh. Ron took a deep breath. "Ron," she said making him jump a little. "I want you to know that whatever is behind these doors, whatever you are ashamed to show your friends, I will keep a secret. I mean, Pansy already let slip what is waiting in the room so..."

Ron gave another sigh. "She did, didn't she? I forgot." He looked at the door and back at Sloane. "Just...don't judge me too harshly. I was...well, I was an idiot." She offered him a smile and he took hold of the handle, turning the knob and opening the door. 

Sloane could smell the room before her eyes even settled on what was in front of her. Like the last time she was here, bottles, upon bottles lay scattered over the floor. It smelt like a brewery and was making her eyes water. Ron kept his head down, deeply ashamed and biting his lip as if waiting for Sloane to start berating him. But she had no intentions of doing anything even remotely like that. Instead, she patted his shoulder and leaned in giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let's get this place cleaned up." She nodded determined and Ron gasped in shock.

"What?" His eyes were wide and he was practically shaking with nerves. 

"Can't let Luna see your room like this can we?" Sloane smiled. "We need some rubbish bags and cloths and soap to clean." She rubbed her chin, thinking. 

"Oh...I might be able to help with that," Ron nodded eagerly. "Eh.....Hogwarts houseelf?" He called looking around him. Sloane was about to ask what he was doing when there was a faint pop and sure enough a house elf appeared standing near the desk in the room. 

"Cans I be of help?" The elf asked giving a little bow as he did. 

Sloane leaned down towards the little creature and smiled. "Evening," she said softly. "My name is Sloane. I was wondering if you could help us....em..."

"Pippin,"  the elf bowed again as his ears jiggled in delight. 

"Pippin," Ron put his hand out to shake and the elf looked like he might cry. He grabbed Ron's hand with both his own and shook gently. "Nice to meet you."

"Thanks you Sir Ronald -"

"Ron please," Ron shrugged. 

"How can I helps yous?" Pippin asked bouncing on his toes now. 

"Well," Sloane started. "My friend and I need to start cleaning up this room a little bit."

Pippin nodded. "Yes, we elves don't like coming in here too much. Usually, it be smelling of muggle drink and it burnses our noses." He sniffed the air. "It smells nicer now....like elf w-"

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