Chapter 40: I miss you

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Song: I miss you- Blink 182

Georgia's POV

I lay there, tied up, on the cold, hard cement floor with a phone held to my ear by a man dressed in fully black.
It was too dark in that room for me to see his face.
He orders me to call Liz and tell her that I am "okay" so it would make her stop looking for me. I clear my throat as I can hear the phone ringing.

"Hello?" Liz answers. Oh my god. I never thought that I would ever be so happy to hear her annoying voice again.
I try to speak but I can't force the words out of my mouth. The guy nudged my shoulder to remind me to speak.

"Hi I was just calling to let you know...that- that I am safe an-d oka-y-y um you can go-o home with out-out me... good bye..." I manage to stutter but I obviously didn't do a very good job because before he even gave himself a chance to hang up he started to kick me and punch me in the face.
I let out a loud scream in hope that someone out there would hear me and come and find me. But know one did.

God I am so hungry right now. I haven't had anything to eat since I have been here which honestly feels like weeks.
I have lied in the same position the whole time and I have barely spoken a word.
This room is always dark,cold and sometimes wet.
The floor is cold and dirty and damp.
I can't stand this, not knowing where I am, not knowing who took me or what I am even doing here.
Every once and a while a man, or woman I don't know, comes in and just stands in front of me, or beats me or makes me tell them my secrets, one by one.
It's awful.
I don't know anything and that's what I am scared of, the unknown. Not being able to be in control of things. Not knowing. I just want to know what happening and where I am.
I can't remember anything of coming here. In fact the last thing I remember was falling asleep with Andy at his party.
But that's it. I have no memory of anything after that.
I don't even remember what day it is or anything.
Suddenly there is a noise, it sound like a door opening but I can't see any light. I hear footsteps slowly working there way over to me. Some one unties something that was around my head, I can suddenly see!
Wait you had a blindfold on you idiot.
Jesus how could I be so stupid...
I see a tall,dark,manly figure standing in front of me. Once again I couldn't see any facial features due to the poor lighting but I was sure that it was a man. 

There is still hardly any noise and there is a ringing buzz in my ear. The "man" doesn't say or do anything except stand there, almost lifeless. 

I hear a muffled voice, I couldn't exactly tell what they said but it was definatly a guy. Nothing is happening and it's literally killing me. No noise. No people. No nothing. 

Liz's POV 

I tried calling Georgia another 1000 times hoping for a response but all I ended up hearing was her voicemail recorded message. What happened to her? As I replay what she said in my head. Where was she? and who the hell had her?

We still can't leave with out Georgia and my mum is expecting us home tonight, but seriously that is the least of my worries right now, I just want to find Georgia and make sure that she is ok and that she is actually alive. Gosh, I am a very postive person....

Bailey questioned me about what happened since I was in tears. I told him what Georgia had said and I automatically hugged him and started to sob and cry into his chest. 

"Hey, I am gonna go find this bastard okay? And I am gonna mess him up k? I love Georgia too and I swear if and thing has happened to her...." he reasured me, clentching his fist and gritting his teeth.

I really hope that he is right....

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