Chapter 20: Found in the arms of the devil

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I finally reach the door step of my house and I don't know wether to knock or just let myself in but there are cop cars outside.
It's actually a bit nerve wracking because I don't know what to expect. A will they be happy to see me or angry because I ran away and was missing for 2 weeks.
After about three minutes just standing and talking to myself in my mind I decide just to open the goddamn door.
I see heaps of people crowded in the living room discussing something.
Lawchn and Bailey both have worried/upset looks on their faces.
My mum is there talking to a police man, some friends are here too, Juliana,Sienna,Lara and Cynthia.
Obviously Mia and Laura aren't here because they both know exactly where I have been for the past two weeks.

Everyone in the room stops there conversations and stares at me. Bailey runs up and hugs me really really tight. I try to push him off and I eventually succeed. He stumbles back "Liz!? your back! where have you been!?"
I chuckle a bit "Don't act like you care!" I scowl at him.
Looking around the room I see more familiar faces, Lawchns mum and dad and his sisters, and Imogen, Mr and Mrs Puckerman, My cousins, Chelsea, Brianna and Matthew, My aunties (I haven't seen my cousins or aunties in over 3 years) and finally my dad.

I glare at him I want to scream at him and my mum. Abandoning me for three years leaving me to fend for myself and put my shattered life back together.
And now that only decide to care about me when something bad has happened to me.

"Honey Bailey just cares about you..." my mother sighs walking towards me "Thank God your safe" she says pulling me into a hug.
I don't know if I should accept her offering or reject it but I return her hug.
"Thanks but Bailey couldn't care less about me he was the one that drove me away!"
"Excuse me?! Here I am for 2 whole fucking weeks crying waiting for you to come back praying to God that you weren't dead and you suddenly decide to come back and your bitchy as hell!!" Bailey yells at me

A officer clears his throat "Look obviously Miss Belz is under a lot of emotional stress at the moment and shouting and being mad isn't going to help anything.
So excuse me but we would like to interview you Miss since we have already interviewed everyone in this room and we would like to hear what happened from your point of view."

"Yeah sure whatever"

These people usher me into a police car which I nearly fall asleep in.
At the station people ask me a billion questions "Where have you been?" "Did someone kidnap you?" "Were you hurt?" "Did you get raped?" "Why did you leave?"

It's all just a blur in my head.
Honestly I don't want to be here I just want to hide under a rock forever.

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