Chapter 2: Day One

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Song- "Is there somewhere?"- Halsey


My other 6 classes fly by and soon it's 2:45.I quickly go to my locker,grab my stuff and make my way to the carpark.

"Hey Belz!" I here Jake yell across the carpark
Jake is a really hot jock and a fuckboy .Brown hair.Green eyes.White smile.

"Yeah Carter?" I reply turning around on my heels.

"Thanks again for making me fullback. It means a ummm what I was here to say was that urrr... would you wanna got out on like a date with me this weekend?" he stutters.

I know he is hot but he is a total fuckboy and I am not interested in him at all, but he is my friend.

"Yeah urrrr sure where too?" I ask.

"It's a surprise I will pick you up at 7:00 Friday?" he asks.

"Cool see you then" I say, nodding.

"Yeah cool bye!" 

Boys. I must have been out with all of them accept one...

I turn back around and start to walk toward my car.

My Uncle is super rich so for my 17th birthday he bought me a beautiful cherry red Ferrari Spider. Every one was like drooling over it,especially the guys.
I am the only 17 year on in our small town that has a Ferrari.

I hop into my car and before I start it Bailey opens the door and sits beside me in the passenger seat."What the hell are you doing?" I ask him "We are living together remember, babe" he replies giving me a wink, wrapping his arm around that back of my seat.

He has slept with pretty much every girl in the school,accept me. He is kinda on a mission to sleep with all the girls. He has tried his charms on me but I am not  blonde bimbo. Okay ,so I used to be one of those cheerleaders but I have changed now.

"Whatever" I sigh while starting my car.

My house is like one minute away from school so we were there pretty quick. Oh and guess who just happened to be my neighbour? Yep you guessed it,Puckerman.

I pull into the driveway and get out. Bailey soon follows.

When we get inside I chuck my keys on the lounge and walk into the kitchen.

"So Puckerman where do you want to sleep? My room,spare room or couch?" I sigh

"Your room.Oh and where is you parents?" Bailey asks

"1. your NOT sleeping IN my bed you can sleep on the FLOOR. And 2. they are divorced, dads somewhere and mums somewhere so I have a house of my own because they both have there own houses." I yell in his face.

True story.

"Okay cool you don't have to yell!" he says while throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry...I going to get changed I will be right back." I say

I walk out of the room and run up the stairs. My room is pretty neat with posters of sport players and singers all around it plus footy boots,balls and books are everywhere.
I put on a pair on faded ripped daisy dukes with a crop top and my ugg boots.

Ugh.I  get downstairs to see Bailey helping himself to cheese balls on my couch watching NFL. Typical. I throw myself next to him on the lounge and watch the tv. My team isn't playing to I change the Channel.Basketball.Yes! 

"What was that for?!" Bailey screams, throwing his arms up like a child.

"My house my rules" I smirk.

"My team was playing!" he whines 

"And mine wasn't" 

"Why do have to be so deviously annoying?" he groans, frowning.

"I was born like that" I chuckle.


I go back to watching the television when Jordan scores a goal.Yes!

"That looks super good on you by the way" Bailey says his eyes moving up and down my
body and stops at my chest.Seriously? Boys and boobs? Ugh.

"Urrr thanks..." I reply,raising an eybrow

"I am serious" he adds, laughing

"Okay..." my eyes trail off him and back to the TV.

I know what he is trying to do so I move my self closer to him and push my chest up then I stand up and strut into the kitchen. 
"Hey hon what some Ben and Jerry's?" I ask in the best girly voice I can do, without vomiting.

"Yeah do you have Choc chip cookie dough?" he asks.

"Of course ANYTHING for you" I purr, trying not to laugh. I grab the ice-cream from the fridge plus two spoons I strut back into the lounge room.

"Here hon" I purr again handing Bailey the ice cream

"Thanks babe.." he replies finally looking into my eyes

Just to tease I lean closer "I know you want it" I whisper on to his lips.

"You bet" he moans back

"Mmmmmhmmmm. But you got to earn it" I laugh.

"Oh really?"

"Yesssss..." I purr sexily.

I jump into his lap and eat the delicious ice cream.

"Yum!" I exclaim.

"Yeah ummm do you know what we are supposed to do for this task?" he asks get

"Well it has to do with loooove" I chuckle.

"Oh really?" he asks seductivly.


We both lean in but only one of us is smart.

He is about to kiss me when I pull away. "Tricked ya!" I yell while jumping off him.

"I am going to get you!" he yells playfully

"I don't think so!" I squelch, jumping of the couch.


Bailey is chasing me so I run upstairs but he tackles me to the ground and then we roll over I am on top of him.

I smiling so wide my mouth could pop out.
His eyes are like blue crystal and lips like cherries.Mmmm I just want to kiss him so bad!
Wait what? Liz you hate this guy! You're so much better than this!

But he is so hot!

No you hate him!

"Hey after you stop day dreaming out loud do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Woah did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah well apparently you wanted to kiss me but you hate me.."

"Well you know how we used to be enemies and stuff..."

"Yeah I understand but I am so over that now,Liz! I really like you!" Bailey admitted

"Are you serious?" I ask.Did he really just say that?!


"Me too!" I squeal

Then at the same time we both lean in and our lips touch each other's dancing around.His lips are so soft and moist and beautiful.Ahhhh it's like I am in heaven until I hear the front door open.I pull away from the kiss and stand up.

"What's wrong." Bailey asks grabbing my shoulders "I herd the front door open" I gasp
"Elizabeth!?" a voice calls fro. down stairs.

I bolt down to see who the intruder is because that person is the only one that knows my birth name.

I see the persons face,it's a woman a vaguely familiar one with short brown hair and middle aged wrinkles.

I know who she is.... "Mum?".....

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