Chapter 28: Good Girls

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Song- "Good Girls"- 5sos
Chapter 28

All of us walk to the beach in a huge group. Laura, Emma, Sarah, Georgia, Brooke, Ashley, Hayden, Jacob, Alex, Luke plus heaps of Jacobs other friends.
Half of them are drunk already and I haven't even had a sip of alcohol yet.
I urge for Vodka but Jacob probably won't let me.


It's almost 9:00 and the party has already started. There is a bonfire in the middle and there is music blasting from speakers and everyone is dancing.
Almost all of them have red cups in their hands taking casual sips.
I go over to the table with cups and drinks on it. I grab the vodka bottle and pours some in to a cup.
Emma sees me with it and comes over to me "Ya know Jacobs gonna kill you"
She says folding her arms "Yeah Yeah whatever"

The whole group of girls and guys are dancing together around me so I join in shaking my body is different directions.
Suddenly Jacob sees me with my drink I quickly gulp it down and chuck the cup of the ground.
"What were you drinking?"
"Um just some coke"
"Sure let me smell your breath"
I reluctantly open my mouth.
"Woah that's a lot of Vodka for a 18 yr old"
"I am 18! I am legally allowed to drink!"
"Fine miss smartie pants drink your ass off see if I care"

Then he went away skulling a whole glass of some alcohol. Idiot. I thought.
Discretely I took a sip of my drink when I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump and squeal "Hey calm down its just me" I hear a deep male voice then I turn to see who it is and I see Hayden's charming face "Oh, it's just you" I sigh holding my chest "Just me?"
"No.. I um didn't mean it like that..."
"Sure you didn't"
"Don't sweat it anyway what did your brother want?"
"Oh he was just nagging me about drinking no biggie" I chuckle
"Haha he is so protective"
Hayden flings his arms around my shoulders I nearly stumble back but I manage to stand up. I think he may be drunk all ready but he still takes another sip.


It gets late and everyone is sitting around the bonfire drinking, laughing,talking and singing.
I sit next to Hayden and Georgia and for some reason Hayden's arm is still draped over my shoulder and we're smiling and blushing at each other all the time. Hey it's not my fault he is so cute, bright green dreamy eyes, shiny gold hair and pearly white teeth.
He is laughing and suddenly he kissed me. Right. On. The. Mouth.
I am so shocked that my eyes are wide open.
"So does this mean that we are over?"
I hear a voice call. I break away from Hayden and look to where the voice came from. There is a dark figure that I can't make out from across the fire he steps into the light and I instantly know who it is. Bailey.




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