Chapter 6: Love

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Chapter 6

School for the past week has been insane.

Let me start with the day after the football game...

I walked through the school doors and straight to my locker. I opened it and a letter falls out and onto the floor.I pick it up and it has my name written on the frount. I slowly open it....

Dear Liz, 

I know you enjoyed our "date" yesterday and I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out.Also I wanted to ask you if you like me more than just a crush (I know you have a crush on me I can see it in your eyes) so basically what I am saying is will you go out with me?

Love ya, xoxo Bailey 

Ugh. I thought. He is probably just tricking me after all he is a man whore. But I really did enjoy the fake date with him and he is really hot! What do I say? Yes I will be your little barbie doll that you can play around with in bed or No I am an independent woman who doesn't need a man.

I am going to go with yes. But I am not going down without a fight.  I place my books and bags back in my locker and I strut over the hall towards him. He is smiling showing off his pearly whites,grinning from ear to ear. "So you got my note?" he says in a suprisingly serious tone "Yeah, I um did,thanks" I blush looking down at my feet "Ok I am honestly going to say this and I don't often say this to girls,I can't stop thinking about you. Seriously I can't get you off my mind, your just beautiful!" He blurts out.

Woah I could never imagine that coming out of his mouth! He wouldn't say that to a girl un less she is special. And he said it to me! Omg Liz say something don't just stand there looking like a complete idiot! "Wow, thank you. Really thats really sweet!" I stutter/squeal

I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck he isn't expecting it so he stubbles back a bit and he hugs me back. "I wasn't expecting that reaction" he mubles into my shirt "Yes" I simply say "Wait does that mean you will be my girlfriend?" he asks realesing me from our tight hug.

"Yes! Yes of course I will be your girlfriend!!" I scream (not to loud) "Good I thought you would reject me being the girl you are..." he says "Hey is that a bad thing? Or a complement?" I question with my hands on my hips "Urrrr Both?" he chuckles and I laugh too.

Then our fits of laughter was inturrupted by the first period bell.

Ugh time for Science. "Hey whats your first class?" I ask as Bailey is walking me to my locker.           "Math.I think..." he says trailing off "Aw too bad I have science.." I state "It's ok. Will meet you before second peirod?" my boyfriend asks "Duh Mr B" I giggle "Mr B?" He questions rasing an eyebrow "Yeah it stands for Mr Bailey or Mr Boyfriend" I say in my Ariana Grande baby voice.

"Haha your so cute" he laughs wrapping his strong muscles around my shoulders "Thanks babe but I gotta go or else we will both be late for class" I pout pushing him away "Ok Ok I am going I am going!" he holds his hands up in defence. "Bye Bye Mr B!" I say giving a small wave "See ya!" Mr B replies.

I get my books and walk silently towards the science room.

5 Mins later......

As I enter the classroom my best friend,Mia calls me over to sit next to her. I grin walking to her. "Omg,Liz I know that face! You have news!!" she squeals in a high pitched voice her hazel green eyes lighting up "Yes okay but you can't tell anyone yet-" I whisper "Ok Ok just get on with it!" Mia inturrupts. She is obviously is very impatient. "Bailey Puckerman just asked me out!" I yelp "Oh-my-god! are you serious? Since when was he into you?" she gasps "I don't know ever since we were doing that project together I guess and I helped him out yesterday like I told you..."                              "You are one lucky bitch! Congrats girl." Mia says pulling me over giving me a loving best friend type hug.

"Aw you guys are going to make really hot babies! Like the girl is going to look just like you and the boy will look just as sexy as your new boyfriend and-" Mia blabs on.I decide I should inturrupt her before it's too late.

"Omg Mia?! Who said anything about me having kids?" I ask frantically

"Me anyways as I said your going to have cute kids and then your wedding will be absolutley perfect because of course I will be the maid of honer and-"

"Woah Mia I am NOT getting married I am only 17!"

Sometimes my best friend takes it wayyyy too far.

Oh I all most forgot! Remember how I said before that Matthew was my best friend,well of course he is but I have known Mia since my girly girl days and she has ALWAYS been by my side no matter what. Thats one thing I love about her.

I almost feel asleep when our teacher was blabbing about booooring formulas and chemicals that the names are too long for me to understand and I honestly couldn't give a shit.

Then the bell goes and I grab my bag and run at the door,Mia by my side.


Authors Note

Thankyou for reading hope you like! This chapter is for my bestest friend Mia @Poison_ivy12

love ya! also for my amazing boyfriend bails 

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