Chapter 38: The Long Way Home

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Song- "Long way home"- 5sos

I wake up in a tangled mess of Bailey.

Knowing me I will probably fall back to sleep if I don't get up soon so I try to push all of these random limbs off of me.

But unfortunately I don't succeed and Bailey's arm just pinned me back down to the bed. I started to poke at his face, first his cheeks then his nose and lips.

Still no progress.

Why the hell did we even go to that stupid party anyways? I am literally the only one that stays sober.

Finally after about five minutes of just laying there waking for Bailey to move or wake up he finally rolls over on to the other side of the bed and off of me.

Before he even gets the chance to move I jump up out of bed and start packing to leave. I get mine and Bailey's suitcase and start chucking random things in them. I pack almost everything execpt clothes for me and Bailey to wear today and my handbag.
Once I am finish packing I walk over to the bed and contemplate jumping on Bailey to wake him.
Well I guess that's the only chance I got.
I do a massive bellyflop onto of Baileys stomach. "Ughhh" he groans "What the heck?!"
I giggle giving him a hug.
"Oh hey kitten." He laughs running his fingers through "Why did you wake me up so early?!"
"We are leaving today!" I slap him softly on the chest, shaking my head at his stupidity.
"Oh shit" he moaned sitting up.
"Don't worry I packed our bags you just have to get dressed and find Georgia..."
I mumbled in the process of getting off of him.
"What?! Isn't she here?"
"No.. I think she went off with that Andy guy." I say walking over to my stuff.
"Great.." he mutters rubbing his head once more.

We are both dressed and we packed my car,ready to leave but we were just missing Georgia.
I sent Jacob to go to Andy's house to see if she was there but he isn't back yet and we really need to leave before I see my dad.
Bailey was sitting on the front steps of the house doing something on his phone while I lean on the back of my Ferrari.
I stare at the pavement below me,jyst staring off into space when I am startled by to buzz and sound of my phone ringing. It's Jacob.
"Hey" I sigh
"She's not here" he says
"What?!" I gasp
"Andy said that they hooked up back at the house but then he woke up and she was gone,"
There was a pause.
Where the hell could she be then?
"I tried to call her but it didn't get through" he adds
"Yeah I tried too"
"Well you can't leave without her so I will keep looking. I will call you if anything happens"
And the line when dead.

We can not leave with out Georgia and I have no idea where the hell she is. I will try calling her again.
"Hi! It's Georgia please leave your name and number and I will try to get back to you thanks!" *Beep*
"Hey it's Liz please please please call me back we are leaving soon and we can't go with out you!"
I hang up.
That was about the 50th time that I have left that exact same message.
Why the fuck do you have a phone if your not gonna use it Georgia?!

"Any luck?" I hear bailey ask as he walks over to me.
"Nope.." I sigh turning off my phone.
There was a silence.
I try to think of where she would go but she doesn't really know her way around here.
Aw fuck me have no ideas...
"Why don't we just go look for her? We are not going to find her just standing around here. It's not like she is just gonna pop up" Bailey said.
"Well knowing Georgia she could..
But yeah let's go look for her."

He steps closer to me and slings his arm around my shoulder and I bury my face into his neck. I almost felt like crying, I have lost the only person in this world that actually gives a shit about me except Bailey who will ditch me eventually but I know that Georgia won't but now she has and I don't know where the fuck to find her.

"Hey what's wrong?" Bailey says lifting my head up. I didn't realise it but I actually had started to cry.

"I lost her..." I whisper putting my face back on his neck.

"No you haven't we are gonna find her come on," he hugs me as we start walking down the street.

"We should be home right now, out of this fucked up town not running around looking for my missing best friend." I sniff. My mascara is probably running right now and I probably look like a mess but I honestly don't care all I care about right now is finding Georgia all in one piece.

"So where do you suggest we look babe?" Bailey asks.

"Andy's house cause I have a feeling that he isn't telling the truth..." I reply

"Nah I think he is, he was just telling me about how he liked Georgia.. like a lot apprently she has a nice ass.."

"Bailey!" I yelp slapping his arm.

"I really don't want to talk about my best friends ass right now ok?" I can't help but laugh at what I just said.

"Fine Fine let's go to Andy's" he chuckles.

We walk down the street in the direction of Andy's house. It's not that far to walk and we know where we are going since we were all there only a few hours ago.

"Will he be there?" I ask Bailey, looking him up at him.

"I think so. He was helping his sister clean up after the party, before their parents come home"

Oh shit I forgot that Andy's parents were coming home from Canada this afternoon.. jeez we made a hell of a mess.



We eventually made it to Andy's house and his front yard was still covered in red cups and toilet paper strung everywhere along with empty booze bottles and the occasional bra.

Bailey walked in front of me and knocked on the door.

Andy answered it. "Oh hey what are you two doing here?"

"Um we are looking for your lost girlfriend is she here?"

"Well one she is not my girlfriend and two I haven't seen her since we fell asleep last night which I can hardly remember." he sighs, scratching his back.

"Did you notice anything weird?" Bailey asks

"Yes actually she left her shoes here..." Andy replies

"If she was running away wouldn't she wear them?" I question.

Bailey looks puzzled.

"Exactly so she didn't run away. Some one took her..."


DUN DUN DUNNNNN CLIFFHANGER (not really but just go with it)

haha sorry for not uploading but whatever i did now so please shut upppp.

nah jk ilysm to anyone who reads this and thanks for 6.16k reads!

xx person who writes this shittt

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