Chapter 35: Fangirling...

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Liz's POV

Georgia and I are fussing over what we are going to wear to this epic party. She said it can't be too slutty or too boring so that's going to be really hard.
Obviously since I have a boyfriend I wouldn't be going to the slutty look but there is no way in hell that I am boring.
So I eventually decide on a black skin tight dress with black pumps and a silver necklace.
It's not too showy I guess but even if is its for Bailey and no one else.
Georgia is going for a red dress and black heels with a clutch bag.
I think she will get some guys tonight judging on what she looks like.

It takes literally forever to do make up and hair and stuff.
So we both look really sexy and trashy by the end of an explosion of eyeliner,eyeshadow,mascara,blush,foundation and lipstick.
I really do hope Bails likes it.
If not fuck him I will party by myself and he can go and screw a whore for all I care!
Haha just joking but some of that is kinda true.
So Brooke is picking us up along with Emma and Laura. I tried to convince Jacob that I would be fine but he is still insisting on tagging along but I doubt he will stay around me for more than 5 minutes because we will probably get drunk then pass out on the beach like last time.
So Jacob is making his own way there and I am going to the girls.
Good. I am sick of Jacob treating me like a freaking baby. Every single goddamn time I at least try to kiss Bailey he chucks a hissy fit.
So I am glad he will piss off for half the night so I don't get dobbed into my dad for drinking.

Eventually Brooke shows up in her car with Laura already sitting in the front seat so Georgia and I squash into the back. They are already in the middle of a conversation about some guy they met at the beach (they are both single I am assuming).
"So who's house is this at anyways??" Georgia asks
"Brads I think... he is one of Jacobs friends" I respond
"Right I have no freaking clue who the hell he is..." Georgia laughs
"Oh I do," Brooke says.
She is about Jacob's age I think and is the oldest out of all of us so of course she knows all these people plus we don't live here.
"I used to go out with him for a while but he cheated on me so yeah..." she says with a blank expression on her face but I can obviously see that she is trying to conceal so me kind of sad emotion. I don't blame her. Being cheated on literally sucks.

We turn into a street and instantly hear the loud pumping music coming from one of the houses and the crowd of cars parked every where.
"Well I think we are in the right place" Emma says scoffing.
"No duh" Georgia laughs

I step out of the car and see Bailey laughing in a group of his guy friends.
He looks sooooo freaking hot, A Led Zeppelin band singlet, black skinny jeans and black converses.
Woah. I run my fingers through my long blonde hair and push up my boobs a bit.
"Slut much?" Georgia laughs whacking my shoulder.
"Shut up! And there is only one guy I want to impress so no I am not a slut"
I say clearing my throat.
"Yeah yeah we get it you have a boyfriend.."
"Hey you might get lucky tonight! Drunk + teenagers = sex that no one can remember the next morning!" I laugh
"Did you seriously just say that?" Georgia laughs covering her mouth
"Yep! So go on find your true Calum Hood!!" I push her towards the house
"Haha I doubt that his here..."
I freak out and have a massive 5sos fangirl moment.
"But you have a boyfriend!" Georgia unfortunately reminds me
"Fuck Bailey this is Ashton freaking Irwin we are talking about here!!"
I scream.
I hear a guy clear his throat behind me and the look on Georgia's face says it all.
Spinning on my heels to see who it was (I had a pretty good idea anyway) I see the face of my ridiculously hot boyfriend with his eye brows raised as if to say "excuse me what about me?"
And that is exactly what he says.
"" I stutter
"So some guy you have never met before is more important then me?" Bailey says shoving his hands in the front pockets of his skinny jeans leaving his thumbs out.
"No! No of course not... I was just joking you know that I like 5sos..." I tried to laugh this off.
Georgia just stood next to me with an awkward face.
"Yeah yeah..." he sighs
I really wanna cheer him up and unsure him that I love him not Ashton Irwin.
So I run up to him and wrap my hands around his neck and I luckily don't have to stand in my tip-toes cause I have heels on. I lean in and kiss him passionately right on the mouth. It took him a second to realise what I just did and for him to kiss me back.
So we just stood there for a while kissing until his hand ran over my entire body,slowly and I rested my hands on his perfectly toned chest.
"Get a room you too!!" Georgia yells at us.
We finally stop and we both glared at Georgia. Her arms are folded and she is trying to keep a straight face but obviously she is failing miserably cause well ya know she is Georgia...


Bailey wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, kissing my forehead.
I smile up at him. I really am starting to think that I love him. Properly this time.
He is just...perfect.
But tonight isn't a night to be romantic, tonight is for getting drunk and having sex and that is exactly what I am going to do....



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