I wish some of dreams came true...cause every night in my dreams I'm always with you — Joshua Muasa
Harry is so cute.
He's like an adorable little stuffed animal that I want to take in my arms and squeeze as tight as I can.
I was lying on the couch, watching some random show, when he came over and laid down next to me, putting his head on my lap. I don't know why, but he looks so cute right now.
He says, "Hi."
"Hi?" I say, laughing. "Everything okay?"
He turns his head so he's facing the ceiling, green eyes staring up at me. His eyes look heavy, and he doesn't seem like himself. He seems tired.
He says, "Everything's better now that I'm with you."
My heart flutters. It's amazing how easily he can make my entire body react to him, even to his words. I lean down and plant a small kiss on his lips.
I ask, "Was it a long day?"
"Mhmm," he hums, "I'm glad it's over."
I say, "Do you want to talk about it?"
He shakes his head no, his eyes looking up at me softly. I give him a small smile, letting him know that it's perfectly okay if he doesn't want to tell me what happened.
Harry puts on 'Friends' and it's the episode where Phoebe and Rachel go running together, but Phoebe runs like a crazy person. I like that he watches these shows.
I run one of my hands through his hair, feeling the softness of his curls on my fingertips. I gently rub his scalp and let my fingernails graze him. His hair is so soft, and even with all of the curls, there's no knots.
I take my hand away, not sure if he wants me to be doing that, but he looks up at me and says, "Don't stop." I laugh and keep playing with his hair as we watch TV.
He says, "That's how you look when you run."
"Shut up," I say, lightly smacking the side of his head. My other hand moves to rest on his chest.
He says, "Jennifer Anniston was my first celebrity crush."
"That's a solid pick." I nod in approval. I say, "Mine was Hayden Christensen. I would watch 'Revenge of the Sith' on repeat, not for the plot."
Harry laughs, the vibrations of it hitting my thighs. I want to hear that sound every second of every day. I look down at him, smiling when I see the dimple on his left cheek as he laughs.
He says, "Fucking nerd."
"I had a crush on the Anakin Skywalker animation in the Clone Wars show, too," I admit.
He shakes his head, glancing up at me. He says, "Sounds like you have a thing for bad boys, baby."
No shit.
"Have you dated anyone before?" I ask him. I realized not too long ago that we never had the ex's conversation. Not that we really needed to, but I am curious about his history with relationships.
He says, "Only one girl, when I was 16."
"For how long?" I pry.
He thinks for a moment, and then says, "Around 8 months or so." He looks up at me, noticing that I want to know more. He says, "She was a lot older than me. She taught me a lot, but she took a lot from me as well, physically and mentally. It wasn't a good relationship, I don't know if it should even be called that. She drained the life out of me."

Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Kizalyn Reeves has fiercely fought to establish stability after a turbulent upbringing. While opening her tattoo parlor offered hope, an abusive relationship cast a shadow over her newfound independence. Determined to defend herself, sh...