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Ho ho ho.  Santa Claus

The only good thing about having friends in a cartel is that they don't have family around either, which means we can all spend the holidays together. It's Christmas morning, and everyone is coming over soon so we can celebrate.

Harry and I agreed to not get each other any big gifts, and I was glad he isn't big on Christmas gifts either.

I didn't grow up in a home where I would wake up on Christmas morning, make hot chocolate, and find a lot of presents under the tree. We didn't even have a tree most years, and one year all my mom got Rae and I were scratch-off tickets when we were both under the age of 10.

Christmas with George and Mary was more normal. They'd always get me something nice, and we'd watch Christmas movies together. It was still a hard day for me because all I wanted was to spend the day with Rae, and we were separated.

Harry and I filled up stockings for each other, and we just sat down to exchange them. I filled his with protein bars, socks, mini candles, and ChapStick. He filled mine with candy, socks, hair ties, and lotion. It's cute seeing what he picked out for me.

He says, "What's this?"

"Oh, I saw that and thought of you," I say as I look at the ring he's holding in his hands. I say, "I don't even know if it'll fit but—" He slides the ring onto his index finger, and it fits perfectly. I say, "You don't have to wear it."

It's a silver ring with a square-shaped red ruby in the middle of it. I'm not sure what made me get it, but it felt like him when I looked at it. It looks good on his hand, but I think everything looks good on those hands.

He looks at it and then says, "I like it."

"You do?"

He says, "Mhmm, it's something I'd pick out, but I like it even more knowing you got it for me. I'm never taking it off."

He leans over and gives me a sweet kiss, making my insides light up. Then he looks back down at the ring, his eyes twinkling. He looks so damn cute today in his grey sweatpants and black hoodie. He always looks cute, but I love when he wears hoodies. They make him look so adorable.

He says, "Thanks, Kiz."

"Of course, I'm glad you like it."

I pull out the last item in my stocking, and it's a small square box. I look up at Harry, and he's watching me intently, which makes me nervous about what's inside of this little box.

I take the lid off of it, and my eyes fall on a gold necklace with a small, golden cherry pendant. It's a dainty, delicate necklace, and it's absolutely beautiful. I stare at it, a smile forming on my face.

He says, "Saw it and thought of you, baby."

I look up at him, and the smile on my face grows even wider, making my cheeks hurt. My heart pounds in my chest, feeling overwhelmed with love for this incredible man. It makes me feel giddy when I realize we both added something special to the stockings, finding things that reminded us of each other.

I say, "I love it, Harry."

He says, "Do you?"

"Yes," I say as I take it out of the packaging and hold it out to him. I say, "Put it on me?"

He takes the necklace from me, a smile on his face. I turn around and move my hair to the side. His hands come around my neck, and then he brings the ends of the necklace behind me, linking them together. The necklace sits perfectly on me, and it is already one of my favorite things I own.

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