Part 27

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Becky smiled at the manager as the car arrived at the 'Armstrong' Mansion. Today, she had chosen to return home to bring souvenirs for her father, mother, and stepbrother. After returning from Italy the previous night, she wanted to take a day to rest, so she had asked the manager to reschedule her work for a week.

"Do you want me to wait and take you back?"

"It's alright, Nam. You can go about your business. I'll be resting at home for a while."

"Just give me a call when you're ready."

"Yes, Nam."

As the car drove away, Becky entered the house. Two young servants were waiting to collect the items she had brought and hold them for her.

"Mr. and Mrs. are waiting for you in the living room."

"Thank you, Som."

The family living room was decorated in a simple style, reflecting the general's preference for modesty.

Becky smiled at her parents and respectfully placed her hands together, bowing as her mother had taught her since childhood.

"I've missed you so much, Mom and Dad."

"Is it true that you missed us? We don't see you visiting us often," her stepbrother teased, causing Becky to immediately turn her face away. He was her father's stepson from a previous marriage.

"Are you free today?"

"Of course, I came specifically to bring souvenirs from Italy."

Her handsome stepbrother, an air force officer who was quite popular, playfully ruffled her hair.

As a child, he had felt hurt that his birth mother wasn't there to care for him like his father's new wife did. As he grew older and learned more about his family's history, he understood why his mother hadn't been around since he could remember.

"Your souvenir is an oil painting, just as you like."

"Thank you, sweet sister.."

"Mother's is a bag, and Dad's is a watch."

"Did you go on vacation with Dr. Freen?"

Her father's calm question made her smile, and everyone in the living room paused. The 'Armstrong' family was well aware of the relationship between their daughter and Freen Sarocha. Since the past events, everyone knew why Rebecca had broken up with that doctor. It had been an agreement between father and daughter, a condition that had to be fulfilled by merit when the family believed that a same-sex relationship wouldn't last.

"Yes, we've come back to love each other."

Becky chose to lower her head, avoiding her father's gaze. But she felt encouragement from her two mothers and her stepbrother, who were still sitting around.

"Have you thought it through? You know what challenges lie ahead."

"Yes, Dad."

"I know how risky it can be, especially given your career in the entertainment industry."

The General looked into his daughter's trembling eyes with love and concern. This time, her love was stronger, fueled by her own career and the importance of her lover's family.

"I'm ready to take the risk for this love."

"As a military man, I will never change my mind. Once you have proven that your love and Freen's love are strong, I will not stand in your way."

"Thank you, Dad."

Becky rushed into her father's open arms, her eyes welling up with emotion. She understood what her father meant, and she was ready to prove herself. This time, she would fight and not bow down to anyone's words again.

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