15. He Is Changing ?

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There was comfortable silence between them which Adhira decided to break it " I am resigning from the company tomorrow Mr. Raghavanshi and in the tomorrow morning itself you will get my resignation letter. "

" Stop joking Miss. Arora , you are making me uncomfortable. " Ivaan told her chuckling a little making her smile slightly hearing him .

She than looked at him to see him already staring at her and she told him while a small smile playing on her lips " I am not joking Mr. Raghuvanshi and I don't know why I am telling you all these , but tomorrow it will be 7 years since I started working as your secretary. "

" I know " He whispered making her nod her head and she continued " My teenage years passed away just like that , working as your secretary , learning new things , trying to understand what business is , along with studies and all . "

She chuckled sadly pitting on herself and told looking at him with tears in her eyes " I didn't even realized that I lost myself in all these process of being your secretary to paying loans of my family , I am not complaining though they are my family ofcourse I consider myself as lucky woman who could help her family in there hard times but ..... "

A lone tear left her eye before she could complete her sentence and slowly bringing his hand to her face he wiped that tear off her face . She looked at him making him bring his hand back and she chuckled continuing " But now loan is repayed and also my family is preety much stable , that they could afford there own expenses without my help . So now after quitting the job I would like to explore the stuff which I missed in my teenage years , like going on a blind date , to go in the library and spend a lot of time reading those books , going on a cafe date with myself and many more things . "

She finished her sentence with so much excitement in her voice and her eyes sparkling with happiness but what she dosen't know that the man beside her was burning with jealousy on the mention of blind date for some unknown kind of reason which he aslo didn't knew.

He than slowly stood infront of her and caging her between his arms he whispered tucking her hair strands of hair behind her ear " I don't know why but I am not quite comfortable with the idea of you leaving me all alone . "

She left out a shaky breath feeling his touch on her skin and gulped hard when she heard him . Slowly bringing her hand towards his hand which was resting on her cheek she moved it away mumbling " You will be comfortable again Mr. Raghuvanshi , as I have already arranged the interviews for your new secretary. "

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