18. MARRY ME !!

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Her eyes widened when she saw Ivaan laying on the floor unconsciously and his new secretary crying standing beside him .

Pushing the crowd aside she hurridely made her way towards him and crouching down she kept cupped his face , keeping his head on her lap .

" Mr. Raghuvashi . " She called him tapping his cheeks a little but a gasp left her mouth when she felt his cheeks burning and now she knows that he has fever .

" OH MY GOD , MY IVAAN . " Adhira heard a loud yell and looked in the direction to see , Aaryan Singhaniya aka his bestfriend standing at the cabin's entrance.

He immediately ran towards his bestfriend and taking his head from Adhira's lap he kept his head on his lap .

" IVAAN , WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU , MY BESTFRIEND . " Aaryan said while crying loudly basically fake crying and than he heard Ivaan mumbling " Stop your overacting you idiot , she will get to know that we are acting . "

Hearing him Aaryan immediately stopped crying and told Adhira looking at her "You don't have to worry Adhira , as now Dr. Aaryan is here but first now let's take him to the Raghuvanshi Mansion . "

Adhira nodded her head with a worried look plastered on her face and than getting up she asked his new secretary " How did he fell unconcious ? "

" I don't know mam , he told me to bring some herbal tea as he was no feeling good . So I brought him that and after drinking that he suddenly went unconcious . " Jinal answered while crying loudly making Adhira sigh .

" It's alright Miss. Mistry , don't cry he is alright and you may leave now ." Adhira told her patting her back and nodding her head she made her outside the cabin wiping her tears .

Adhira than looked at the cup which was half empty and moving towards his desk she took the cup in her hands .

She than smelled the herbal tea inside it and sighed knowing it's of lichi flavour but frowend thinking " How come he drank the tea knowing that he is allergic to it . "

Ivaan mumbled asking his bestfriend " Where is Adhira ? " Aaryan whispered " Bhabhi is thinking something holding your herbal tea cup in her hands , with a frown plastered on her face . "

" Than fucking call her telling her that I must be in pain , you idiot or else she will figure it out that it was all just an act . " Ivaan told Aaryan gritting his teeth making him nod his head .

" Let's go Bhabh......... I mean Adhira , he must be in pain . " Aaryan told her making her look at him and she nodded her head keeping the glass on the floor .

" He is fine , please gat back to your work everyone. " Adhira told all the employees politely making them nod their head and with that everyone made their way back to work .

" I will call the driver to get the car ready , please bring Mr. Raghuvanshi , till the car bhai . " Adhira told him making him shook his head positively and with that Adhira made her way outside the cabin .

Reaching the Raghuvanshi Mansion , Aaryan made Ivaan stand on his feet cause Adhira was also present there and putting his arm around his shoulder he took him inside the masion .

Prerna's eyes widened when she saw her son in these state and running towards them she asked Aaryan panicking " What happened to my Ivaan? "

Adhira than told her , holding her by her shoulder " Auntie he is completely alright , it's just due to stress he fainted . "

Prerna's tears started falling down her eyes and she mumbled " I always tell him not to take stress , but he never listens to me but now Adhira , don't let him go to office for a week atleast. His father , Avyansh and Nirvan will handle everything . I will also make kadha for him . "

Adhira smiled nodding her head and hugging her she patted her back , telling her not to worry .

Breaking the hug she followed Aaryan who was helping Ivaan to his room . Reaching his room Aaryan laid him on his bed and than looked at Adhira who was glaring at Ivaan .

" Bhai , do you have any explanation for joining him in his act ? " Adhira asked him making his eyes widenend as his face lost all his colors and he asked her back with a innocent look plastered on his face " Wha-what are you talk-talking about Adhira , I can't understand ? "
Adhira shooked her head in disbelief and told him " Bhai , don't lie I....... " She was cutted of by him when he ran outside the room mumbling ' bye' to her making her sigh.

She than said coldly glaring at Ivaan " Aur aap , bandh karange aapna yea natak ? "

[ And you, will you now stop this drama of yours ? ]

Ivaan slowly opened his one eye and looked at her who was glaring at him folding her hands on her chest making him gulp hard .

Slowly sitting on the bed he stared straight in her eyes making her break the eye contact with him by looking side ways .

Taking deep breath she asked , looking at him with disappointed look on her face " Why you have to do all these drama of yours ? "

" Because , I felt uncomfortable without your presence around me . " He told her straightforwardly , without hesitating a bit making her sigh .

" Mr. Raghuvanshi , you have to get along with your new secretary , don't be so childish . " She told him being irradiated by his behaviour.

" What is so childish in these huh , when I am telling the truth that I am not feeling comfortable without you around me . " He told her raising his voice a little making her clench her jaw .

" Than you have to cause I am not going to live with you for the rest of my life being your secretary damn it . I have my own life too . " She shouted at him being frustrated not being able to understand that why he is not understanding her side .

He didn't replied to her and just stared at the wall in front of him blankly. A sigh escaped her lips and she told him " Mr. Raghuvanshi , look you have to learn to cope up with your new secretary please ."

Hearing her he looked at her and asked her " Tell me the exact reason , why are you resigning from your job . "

" Because I want to make time for my family , for myself and as well as I want to meet the man who understands me . As you know in these 23 years of my life I dated a man once . So I hope now you have got your answer Mr. Raghuvanshi . "

She told him making him nod his head and he asked her " By the way , how did you got to know that , all of that was just an act ? "

He asked her making her reply " Mr. Raghuvanshi , remember when I joined new as your secretary , I gave you litchi herbal tea not knowing you are allergic to it and immediately you started having rashes all over your face as well as you had fever immediately but these time you didn't had that rashes . There was little fever there so I am assuming that you must have taken your allergy pill before drinking that tea . As you know I , know everthing about you more than anyone . "

He hummed in response and told her " That's true , you know everything about me more than anyone else . "

She nodded her head replying " Ofcourse , since I have lived with you 7 years of my life so it's preety obvious. "

He than looked at her and told her " Marry me Miss. Arora . " Her eyes widened hearing him but before she could reply to him they both heard knocks on his room's door .

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May God shower you with happiness and take all your pain away , you all beautiful souls. ♥️

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