8. Respect Will Increase

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" Mr. Raghavanshi are you ever listening to me or not ? " Adhira asked him while walking behind him but got no answer from him making her frustrate by his ignoring behaviour towards her .

Entering his cabin she saw him putting sleeping Deekshant on the couch and than looking in her direction with both his hands in his pocket along with poker face.

" Why are you being nuisance to me Miss. Arora ? " He asked her looking straight into her light brown hazel eyes with his light green eyes making her look at him in disbelief , squinting her eyes and she told him twitching her lips " Are you for real Mr. Raghavanshi I am just asking you one question from the past 20 minutes that you didn't told Mr. Mittal that I am not your goddam wife and just secretary and for that you are calling me nuisance huhh , now you are the one who is being nuisance to me by not answering me. "

A sigh left her lips completing her sentence as an annoyed look plastered on her face but soon her eyes widened when she realised that she called The Great Ivaan Singh Raghavanshi nuisance going with the flow.

" So now I am being nuisance to you Miss. Arora huh ?" He asked her coldly raising his eyebrow while taking long hasty steps towards her making her shook her head negatively , taking her step backwards.

" What if he will fire me today, no no don't think like thats Adhira he will not fire you. Yes yes he can't fire me like that, I want this month's salary's full payment there are just 2 days left for the month to end . " She thought but her chain of thought came to hold when her back hitted the wall and she looked at him with pleading eyes trying to tell him to forgive her. Upon not getting any reaction from him a pout formed on her lips .

" You didn't answered my question Miss. Arora but that dosen't matter, so now let me answer your question for which you are being nuisance as well as troublemaker to me. So look here Miss. Arora I thought that you would have known me well in these 7 years , that I don't want my time to be wasted on explaining people about something that is never going to happen so I would like to advice you again that it would be better that if you will stop being delusional cause a girl like you can never match my standard to be my wife. "

She looked at him with unbelievable look plastered on her face and a disbelief chuckle left her mouth as she told him " What do you think of yourself huhn that you are some Hrithik Roshan , that girls will die for you . So now let me also get you out of your delusion world Mr. Raghavanshi that no girl will deal with your cold-ass and with that jerk attitude of your's which is like cherry on top. Also let me tell you one thing that you are also not my type, cause I like a guy who is sweet unlike you ."

He clenched his jaw hearing her making her smrik as she told him smiling sweetely " I will get you , your bitter coffee so that it can help you to digest the reality, sir."

He opened his mouth to say something but before the words could escape his mouth Adhira bowed at him before walking outside his cabin slamming the door.


" What kind of attitude she has in her, first of all she didn't even said sorry to me for her rude behaviour towards me and secondly she called me I am not her type huhh , who wants to her type anyways . She dosen't even knows that how popular I am among girls huhh and whoever will marry this idiot girl I will personally give him 1 crore from my side as a gift as well as my respect towards that person will grow two times more for handling this troublemaker girl for the rest of his life."

He said to himself and shaking his head he mumbled making his way towards his seat. " Mad she is totally mad I shouldn't think about that girl or else I will also go crazy. "


" What does he even think of himself , first he didn't even thanked me for saving his deal or else he would have lost the deal without me and secondly like an arrogant jerk he is, he was showing me attitude that I am not of his standards , who even wants to be of his standards anyways . I feel so sorry about his wife cause she has to deal with his cold-ass everyday but whoever will marry him, my respect for that woman will grow two times more cause she has to deal with him. Bagghad - Billa kahika ."

She mumbled to herself while going towards the small canteen room which was on the floor.

" The coffee which is most loved by you I will add sugar to it cause I know that you don't like coffee with sugar in it. It's always so fun to mess with his coffee. "

She mumbled to herself giggling a little while preparing his coffee.

After preparing his coffee she made her way towards his office and knocking she went inside his cabin.

She smiled sweetly while giving him the coffee and he knows that she has messed up his coffee making him sigh.

" Do you think me as dumb person Miss. Arora ? "

Ivaan asked her coldly dropping the cup of coffee on the floor making it break into pieces.

" What is there to think in , you are dumb huhh ."

Adhira mumbled while rolling her eyes making him scrunch his eyebrows.

" I think you need to overtime today as well Miss. Arora , as your behaviour seems very unpleasent to me . "

He told her with smrik playing on his lips and she looked at him with her wide eyes making his smrik grew wider.

She gritted her teeth looking at him and stoping her feet on the marble floor she went towards the door.

Before she could open the door she was pulled harshly by her arm by him making her stumble on her feets as she faced him.

Both of their face was so close to eachother making her gulp hard.

" Don't you ever , I mean don't you ever again show me these kind of attitude of your's I won't tolret it . You are just an employee , so you better know your place and I am sure I don't need to remind you where you belong ."

Hearing him her body went numb as tears gathered around her eyes but she held her tears from falling.

A satisfied look immediately took over his face seeing her as he left her harshly making her hiss in pain a little and went towards his seat.

Bowing a little at him she immediately ran outside his cabin wiping off her tears.

" No Adhira don't waste your precious tears on that jerk , huhh bagghad billa kahi ka and morever I am going to resign from the company ."

She mumbled encouraging herself and went inside her cabin.

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May God shower you with happiness and take all your pain away , you all beautiful souls.♥️

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