14. Comfortable With Eachother

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" What kind of behaviour is these Miss.  Arora ? " Ivaan asked her gritting his teeth with anger clearly visible in his eyes. She wanted to reply but she could feel that her sneeze is on the way , so not wanting to embarrasse Ivaan more she handed the bouquet and gift in Ivaan's hand before running out of the farmhouse .

Ivaan fisted his palm in anger because of her unpleasent behaviour and giving the bouquet along with the gift to Mr. Gupta he told him " I will take my leave now Mr. Gupta . "

Mr. Gupta nodded his head in understanding and with that Ivaan made his way outside the venue mumbling " You better have explanation Miss. Arora for your behaviour or else you are so dead today ."

Reaching the car he saw her sitting in the frontseat and going towards the other side , he opend the car's door sitting on the driver's seat , slamming the door shut .

She flinched a little hearing the slamming of door and looked beside her to see him glaring at her but his eyes soften a bit when he saw her teary eyes .

" Does she fears me that much , that now she is crying thinking because I will scold her . But as far as I know her she is not someone who will cry being sacred of someone.  " He thought and that looked at her to see tears falling down her cheeks making his eyes widened .

" Miss. Arora , why are you crying . Stop crying if you are crying thinking that I will scold you , no I won't relax ." He told her making her clench her jaw and not being able to control her sneeze anymore she sneezed loudly on his face .

Disgust look immediately took over his face and Adhira's eyes widened . She immediately took out his napkin from her handbag and leaning towards him she tried to wipe his face but he stopped her . Taking the handkerchief from her hand he wiped his face by himself and she moved back to her seat .

" Can I get an explanation Miss. Arora for the way you behaved inside. " He asked her passing her the handkerchief , signalling her to throw away making her nod her head.

" Wohh , Mr. Raghuvanshi actually I am allergic to smell of lilies and in that bouquet there were lilies so whenever the smell hit my nostrils , I satrt to sneeze uncontrollably. So due to controlling my sneeze I was having tears in my eyes not because of the fear that you will scold me . "

She said the last line rolling her eyes making him sigh and he once again asked her " I got that but what about you snatching my drink away from me ? "

She scoffed hearing him and told him " For your kind information Mr. Raghuvanshi , you are allergic to litchi and that drink which you were going to have contained litchi . "

His mouth formed an ' o ' hearing her and she told him more like scolded him " Mr. Raghuvanshi , you should be more careful about what you are drinking or else you will end up in hospital like last time when you had a litchi flavoured energy bar . "

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