20. Fake Ignorance

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" What is wrong with you huh ? Why are you ignoring me Miss. Arora ? " Ivaan asked her making her sigh and by arguing with him she dosen't want to spoil her mood after eating these much delicious meal for dinner.

" I am not ignoring you Mr. Raghuvanshi . " She told him making him scoff in disbelief and he told her " I am not blind Miss. Arora , I can clearly see that you are ignoring me from the evening . "

She took deep breath trying to control herself from bursting out on him and before she could say something she heard him saying with a smrik on his face " Don't tell me Miss. Arora , that you are upset , that I meet that girl due to marriage reasons . "

She shook her head in disbelief hearing him and told him " Are you out of your mind , are you even hearing yourself Mr. Raghuvanshi that what you are saying huh and morever YOU . ARE . NOT . MY . TYPE . "

She told him the last five words putting extra pressure on them making sure that he heard her very clearly .

He scoffed in utter disbelief and asked her " I am not out of my mind but I think you are cause how can you say that I am not your type Miss. Arora ? "

She laughed hearing him being too narrsaist and than he again heard him asking her " What do you not like about me Miss Arora ? I bet it can't be my appearance as I am too good to be true , not my family background and definitely not my wealth . "

An airy laugh left her mouth being shocked by his dumb nature and she told him " Don't be full of yourself Mr. Raghuvanshi , you have always been selfish and have did whatever you wanted to . You decide and demand everyone according to your own need , just like you are doing now . "

He was too stunned to speak hearing her and asked her coldly raising his eyebrow not liking a bit the way she is talking to him .

" So by lashing out on me suddenly like these out of no where , are you taking out all your frustrations on me by the work I gave you all these years ? "

She clenched her jaw hearing him and told him " Yes , I am and why wouldn't I be . Do you even know hard time you gave me in these seven years . Firstly you are so damn obsessed with perfection and than comes your obsession with yourself . I was tired you telling me specifically shouting at me to get the things perfect even on my little mistake .  Morever you would make me do overtime and when you attend any business part you would call me to pick you up from there at midnight spoiling my beau ty sleep which I rarely get . In these seven years I never had time for myself as I always had to get the things done for you whenever you needed it . "

He just stared at her for few seconds before telling her " But you never said no Miss. Arora , if you had said no to do those things I wouldn't had made you do that . "

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