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It was 7:00 a.m in the morning and Adhira made her way towards his room . Standing infront of his room she knocked on the door to get his permission but upon not getting any response she decided to make her way inside.

Opening the door she reached inside to room to see no one there and knowing he went for a jog she went inside his walkin closet and prepared the outfit along with accessories for him.

Walking outside the closet she started preparing his coffee and after she was done preparing she sat on his bed going through his today's schedule.

Hearing the door unlocking she spoke without even looking at him " Mr. Raghuvanshi , you have to interview the people who has applied for secretary position other than that your schedule is free today . "

Hearing him humming in response she stood up from her place and told him " Alright than Mr. Raghuvashi , when you are ready give me a call . "

She than again heard him humming in response and smiling a little she bowed at him before leaving the room .

He sighed and made his way inside the bathroom to take shower and after 30 minutes of getting ready he dropped the message to Adhira to come .

Within a few minutes he heard knocks on the door and he gave her permission to come inside . He than looked at her who entered the room with a bright smile on her face .

Taking the neck tie which was kept on the bed she wrapped it around his neck and started making it . She could feel his stares but she choose to ignore it and continued doing her work .

" Miss. Arora , are you sure that you want to quit? " He asked her making her look at him and she just nodded her head with a happy smile on her face .

He sighed and hummed in response . After doing his neck tie she adjusted his suit properly . With that they both made there way outside the room to have breakfast .

After finishing there breakfast they both went outside the mansion . Sitting in the car she heard a call and a smile crept on her face seeing her brother's caller ID.

He frowned when he saw her eyes shining with joy upon seeing the called ID but some kind of weirdly satisfactory feeling crept inside him when he heard her .

" Hello bhai , how are you ? " Adhira spoke making her brother smile and he replied " I am alright monkey , how about you ? "

She smiled and replied " I am also completely alright , bhai . " Her brother hummed in response before wishing her " Happy birthday , monkey . "

" Thank you so much bahi . " She replied happily making his brother chuckle and he told her " I have sent a suprise gift for you at the Raghuvanshi Mansion and it just reached ."

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