2. His Harsh Words

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Ivaan looked at her smriking evilly making her lour looking at him not knowing what is going inside his head .

Her light hazel brown eyes widened and she looked at him with disbelief look plastered on her face . Soon her disbelief look was replaced with angry one and she looked at with clenching her jaw tightly making his smrik grew wider.

" Why on earth you would throw the food away MR. RAGHUVANSHI ." She yelled at him with her nose red from anger and her hands were fisted tightly looking at the man sitting in front of her .

The smrik was wiped away from his lips and now his infamous cold look was plastered on his face , with his eyes darkned hearing her raising her voice at him .

" I think you need some punishment Miss. Arora as I can see you are being disobedient towards me day by day ." His voice was straight and cold while staring deeply in her eyes . Gulping hard looking at his scary face she tried to stable her voice before saying .

" You are wrong one here Mr. Raghuvanshi , you shouldn't waste the food just like that . Many people in the world are sleeping with their stomach empty just because they can't afford food , for your kind information. "

She told him looking straight into his forest green eyes but he wasn't bothered by her reply . His face remained cold and with those eyes empty he stared in her eyes more deeply making her clutch her tshirt more tightly from nervousness.

" Just like your family ." The one sentence left from his mouth was enough for her to break her heart and she could feel someone stabbed her heart with dragger multiple times without any mercy over her .

" You have no right to bring my family in between ." She told him while gritting her teeth angrily and her eyes were already wet from tears but could she let them fall in front of him ? The answer is big NO , she can't let him walk over her by using her weakness and let him think her as a weak human , that is never going to happen , not even in her wildest dreams.

" Then just do what you are told instead of poking your nose in whatever I do . I hope I am very clear to you Miss. Arora . "

He told her in his dark voice but she didn't answered to him instead just looked at him with uncertain emotions in her eyes .

" Leave my cabin , instead of staring at me like a fool you are and I want my breakfast at my table in 15 minutes ."

She just huffed in anger and without even replying to him she stormed out of his cabin , slamming the door loudly. He just satred at the door blankly and mumbled massaging his knuckles " She badly needs some punishment for behaving like a brat ."


She walked out of his cabin angrily and mumbled smriking evilly " You dared to ruin my mood in early morning , you just wait and watch how I will make you regret , you ungrateful bagghad billa ."

Pushing her hair back with her hands savagely as she made her way towards the office canteen with a mischievous look plastered on her face .

Reaching there she saw the canteen lady who was in her middle age , sitting on her chair while scrolling through her phone .

" Hello , Mamta auntie, how have you been ? " Adhira chimmed excitedly making that middle aged canteen lady broke out of her trace and she looked up to see Adhira standing there with a bright smile adoring her face as always.

" I am good baccha and I guess you are here for sir's breakfast ." She replied to her with a smile on her face making Adhira sigh but she nodded her head anyways with a smile on her face .

" Should I pack the breakfast with his as usual breakfast ? " Mamta asked her making her shook her head negatively and she told her politely denying " No auntie, I will prepare his breakfast , you relax ."

Mamta looked at the woman stading in front of her with crooked eyebrows and asked her " What is going in your head Adhira ? " Instead of replying she just giggled merrily and said " Nothing , auntie , he just told me to make breakfast for him ."

" I hope you are not going to do anything which will get you in trouble Adhira . " She told her as Adhira just huffed and replied to her in duhh tone " Ohh come on auntie , just relax ."

Mamta nodded her head smiling and stood aside making some place for her to come . Adhira smiled and started preparing breakfast for him , enjoying way too much .

After 10 mins of preparing his breakfast a sigh left her mouth and she made her way outside the canteen taking the wodden tray in her hands which was filled with food basically grass which he eats along with bitter black coffee just bitter like him .

Taking the elevator to reach his floor she pressed 60th floor and after few seconds she heard ping sound indicating she reached the floor . Walking towards his cabin happily she knocked on his door excitedly.

She entered his cabin when she heard him giving permission from inside and walked towards him trying her best not to embarrasse herself infront him nor to make him angry .

Keeping the plate on his desk , both of there eyes meet and she whispered to him flaunting her sweet smile towards him " Your breakfast sir , I hope you will enjoy it to your fullest ."

His eyesbrows creased upone seeing her sweet behaviour to him and now he knows that something definitely wrong is going to happen to him but keeping his thoughts aside he decided to fill his stomach first .

The moment he took the first sip of his coffee he immediately spitted it out getting the taste of salt in it and he looked at angrily to see her smriking at him .

Now he knows that his instinct wasn't wrong about this troublemaker girl who was satnding in front of him with evil smrik plastered on her face .

Getting up from his palce he started walking towards her with his hands in his pant's pockects and glaring at the poor soul with his cold empty eyes making her eyes widened .

" Don't you dare come towards me and if you tried to do something, remember I know karate. " She told him and said last line while posing one hand upwards from another in karate position , stepping backwards . He just rolled his eyes at her and thought " What an idiot girl she is ."

Her back hit the door and now she was trapped between his arms which was kept on the other side of her . Coming dangerously close to her he whispered with his deep ocean like voice as his hot breath fanning over her lips " I think you really need punishment Miss. Arora and that too a hard one for being a troublemaker to me mhm ."

She knew what he means and gulped a lump of throat . She tried to say something but suddenly her throat went dry and not a word was ready came out of her mouth . She just stared at him with her puppy eyes pleading him but there was no effect of her puppy eyes on him instead he just smriked looking at her sacred face .

" Ready for punishment Miss. Arora , are we ? " He asked making her immediately shook her head negatively but he just ignored her pleadings while staring deep in her eyes .

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May God shower you with happiness and take all your pain away , you all beautiful souls.♥️

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