23. Confidence on her

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Adhira heard her mobile ringing making her groan in sleep and streched her hand out to get the phone from the side table . Squinting her eyes she looked at the caller id to see ' Trisha ' being displayed on the screen.

She picked up the call putting it on her ear she mumbled in her sleep " Yes , Trisha tell me what new problem has occured now . " Trisha's eyes widened hearing her and she asked her amusement " How you know that some problem has occured , Miss. Arora ? "

Adhira sighed hearing her and told her " Trisha I just know , now please come to the point that what is the problem . "

" WHAT ? " Adhira yelled getting up from her bed after hearing Trisha . " Yes Miss. Arora , please convey this message to Mr. Raghuvanshi as you are the only one who can handle him . "

Adhira hummed in response before ending the call and looked at the timein her mobile screen to see 5:30 in the morning . Going through Jinal's contact she called her and after three rings she picked up the call .

" Miss. Mistry , today don't come to the Raghuvanshi Mansion , just directly come to the office at regular time . " She told her making Jinal response happily " Okay , di thank you . "

Adhira shook her head knowing the reason of her happiness which is none other than beauty sleep and humming in response she ended the call making her way inside the bathroom to freshen up mumbling " I am the only unlucky one , who don't get her beauty sleep . "

After half an hour of getting all ready she made her way towards Ivaan's room , ready to make him angry early in the morning .

Standing infront of his room she opened his room's door without knocking knowing that he must have went for jog or to gym . Entering his room she directly made her way inside his walkin closet and preparing his whole outfit for today she made her way outside his closet .

She than started preparing coffee for him and after 5 minutes of done with preparing coffee she cancelled all his schedule for today . Just than she heard the room's door opening to see him standing there with the support of the wall panting heavily .

She immediately went towards him and wrapping his arm around her shoulder she made him sit on the bed carefully . He looked at her who was taking out his sports shoes and socks , examining his ankle .

" Mr. Raghuvanshi there is still a little swelling on your ankle , how can you even go for a jog . " She scolded , looking at him as he replied " It was not paining at all when I woke up so I decided not to skip my routine but after jogging it started to pain like hell . "

She sighed hearing him and mumbled getting up to fetch the pain relief cream " He is total idiot , dosen't he know that if your ankle has sprain , you shouldn't be going to jogging . Huhh bagghad billa . "

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