22. Billu

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Adhira was shocked seeing him here and standing up on her feet she mumbled a small ' thank you ' to Aayush making him shook his head sideways telling her " No worries , sweetheart and I think , I should leave now , we will talk later byee. "

She nodded her head with a small smile playing on her lips and than she made her way towards Ivaan who was looking at her with his clenched jaw . Standing in front of him she crossed her hands on her chest and asked him with her one raised eyebrow " What are you doing , here Mr. Raghuvanshi ? "

He didn't replied to her question instead he looked at her from top to bottom only to notice that how short her dress was . Poking his tongue inside his mouth he took out his suit and wrapped it around her waist pulling her closer to him making her eyes widened a bit from his actions .

After tieing the knots around her waist he told her coldy more like commanded her " In the car right now Miss. Arora. " She rolled her eyes hearing him commanding her and followed him mimicking the sentence which he just told her while making funny faces .

Sitting in the car Ivaan took the pillow from the backseat and kept it on her lap without even looking at her . She sighed on his actions and asked him once again " Mr. Raghuvanshi I asked you something,  that why were you there . "

Hearing her , he looked at her to see him looking at him suspiciously making him gulp hard and he thought " Fuck , what will I tell her that I stalked her like a creep after I heard from Miss. Mistry that she left early to go on a blind date. "

His chain of thoughts broke when he heard her saying with a disbelief look palstered on her face . " Don't tell me Mr. Raghuvanshi that you stalked me like a creep after you got to know that I went on a blind date . "

His eyes went a little wide hearing her but he composed himself before answering her coldly " Are you out of your mind Miss. Arora , why the fuck I would follow you , I am not some creep and morever do you think that I would get affected by idiot like you going on a date . "

She let out an airy laugh and told him raising her voice a little " Dare you call me idiot Mr. Raghuvanshi , you are the one who is idiot here and if you are having short term memory loss than let me remind you , that you were the one who proposed me , whom you are calling idiot right now . "

He gulped hard hearing her angry voice and told her " Calm down Miss. Arora and let's drop this topic okay . " She glared at him hearing him making him break the eye contact and he started the car .

After 10 minutes of silence Adhira broke it and told him " You still didn't told me why were you there ? " Hearing her he looked at her for a second before diverting his attention back to the road and replied to her nonchalantly " None of your business Miss. Arora . "

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