1. Bagghad Billa

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" Pack the coff-coffee along with Tortellini Caesar Salad with-without shredded parmesan chee-cheese , frozen cheese tort-tortellini and seasoned salad crou-croutons , please make it pree-preety fast ."

Adhira told that cafe lady , while panting heavily and continiously looking at her wrist watch checking the time.

From the past 15 mins she was chewing her nails while tapping her feet continiously on the marble floor of the luxurious cafe waiting impatiently for the order.

" Mam your order is ready ." Adhira heard the cafe lady making her head snap towards that lady.

Hurridely taking the order from the counter she paid the bill before running outside the cafe which was just 5 mins away from their office building.

In the middle of running her heels broke making her ankle twist a bit and a hiss left her mouth .

She crouched down but soon her eyes widened seeing there is only 4 mins left for Bagghad Billa aka Ivaan Singh Raghuvanshi's arrival.

Not paying much heed to the pain which was forming in her ankle by each passing second , she ran towards there office building with naked feet only as her heels were held by her in her hand.

Entering the office building she ran towards the elevator area to see many people there and she again checked time to see only 1 and half mins left.

Sighging she made her way towards the stairs but got tired on reaching the 5th floor.

Panting loudly she looked in the direction of private elevator making her smrik and made her way towards it before making sure no one is watching her.

Finally scanning the card which was given to her as she is his personal secretary , she entered the elevator and leaned on the elevator wall after pressing the 60th floor.

A sigh of relief left her mouth when she reached the floor but soon a gasp left her mouth the moment elevator door opened and she saw THE BAGGHAD BILLA standing in front of her.

" Kaha phas gai ma , ha bhagawan bacha lena iss bagghad billa se , ma har roz aapako chappan bhog chadaungi , please bhagawan ."

( Where I am stuck yarr , please God please save me from these bagghad billa , I will offer you 56 different types of dishes everyday , please god ." )

She prayed to god for her safety from these devil standing in front of her with his hands in his pockect looking at her more like glaring into her soul.


On the other hand when Ivaan came out of his cabin he made his way directly towards his private elevator only to see the door opening and Adhira inside it.

He clenched his jaw in anger as he don't like anyone using his private elevator except him.

Just then he heard her mumbling some inaudible words underneath her breath making him frown at her.

His eyes went red in anger when he saw her holding her heels with the same hand she was holding his breakfast.


His loud voice boomed on the empty floor making her feel annoyed knowing that she has to now listen to his lecture early in the morning.

" Why did he came early today , whyy ."

She whined internally following him inside his cabin.

" Breakfast ." Just one word came out of his mouth that too in his icy cold tone , the moment he sat on his chair.

Nodding her head she went towards him to give him his breakfast but soon hissed in pain when her knee got hit with the desk leaving a dark brusie.

He sighed looking at her clumsiness and closed his eyes to contol his anger as she was now making him more angry as well as annoyed by her actions.

Taking his breakfast from her hands he smriked evilly at her making her frown at his sudden change in facial expression.

A gasp left her mouth from his next action and she looked at him in disbelief as well as anger filled in her eyes.




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