7. Mrs. Raghavanshi ??

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After 2 hours he heard knocks on his cabin door as he gave his permission to that person to come in .

He looked at the person who enterd his cabin was none other than Adhira who was walking towards his desk with a blue file in her hands .

Bowing a little at him she kept the blue file on his desk and told him " I made necessary changes Mr. Raghuvanshi and yeah one more thing this file is similar to the file of other project that has not been reviewed yet , so be careful that files are not messed up ."

She warned him pointing at the similar blue file which was on his desk making him nod his head and he replied with a arrogant look on his face " You don't need to warn me about such silly things Miss. Arora as you know my everything is perfect just like me unlike you who has done P.H.D in clumsiness and making mistakes ."

She twitched her lips in annoyance hearing him and rolling her eyes secretly she told him with an extra sweet smile adoring her face " It was my duty to tell you Mr. Raghuvanshi . If by the chance of 0.001% the files are messed up somehow and you end up losing the deal so the blame will not be poured upon me of messing up with files . "

Ivaan gritted his teeth upon hearing her witty reply and told her rudly " Get out of my cabin and arrange the conference room as meeting will take place in twenty minutes ."

She scrunched her face in annoyance but anyways nodded her head and bowing a little at him she made her way outside his cabin.

He sighed and looked down on his lap to see his nephew sleeping peacefully while drool was flowing out from his little mouth falling on his fine expensive tailored suit as a disguising look immediately took over his face .

" What the fucking hell ." He mumbled and putting his one finger on his nephew's chubby cheek he slightly pushed his face away from his chest.

He than looked at Deekshanth who opened his eyes slowly and was now looking at him with his bambi eyes but his eyes widened when he heard him crying loudly .

Instead of telling him to stop crying he got up from his seat and keeping Deekshanth on his seat , he took the blue file which was kept on his table before running outside his cabin leaving the crying child alone .

He entered the conference room breathing heavily from running. The members present in the meeting room immediately snapped their heads towards his direction making him immediately stand straight and he fake coughed while glaring at the members. With a friction of second all the members moved there gaze away from him.

Adhira than walked towards him and standing infront of him she asked him fixing his tie properly " What happened Mr. Raghavanshi , why you came here running?"

He looked down and both of there eyes meet as he told her gritting his teeth " That little guy woke up from his sleep and suddenly started crying when he saw me."

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