4. First time noticing

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Reaching in the basement where the car was parked Ivaan made his way towards the passenger seat and was going to open the door but was stopped by Adhira.

Raising his one eyebrow he looked at her in questioning manner making her roll her eyes mentally.

" Why are you looking at me like that ? You are going to drive and I will sit on the passenger seat ." She told him crossing her hands on her chest making him look at her in disbelief

" I guess your memory power is kinda weak Miss. Arora , so let me remind you that you are my secretary and I am your boss and according to my knowledge you should be driving the car ."

He told her with a sarcastic smile palying on his lips making her twitch her lips at his remark.

" Okay as you say Mr. Raghuvanshi but don't blame me when in the middle of the driving I start drowning in sleep and we both end up in heaven but I am very much sure that I will be the only one opening my eyes in heaven cause you will be going to hell ."

She told him and laughed loudly saying the last line as he looked at the woman infront of him with ' so done face ' and a frustrated sigh left his lips .

" It's better that I drive or else I will surely end up in heaven because of this troublemaker girl and I can't trust her with my life ." He mumbled to himself and without saying anything he made his way towards the driving seat .

She squealed in excitment when she saw him sitting on driving seat and did happy dance . He looked at her from inside the car who was dancing happily infront of the car making him sigh as he massaged his head .

He pressed th horn making her flinch from the sudden loud voice and her happy little dance came to end . She pouted and made her way towards the passenger seat . Opening the door she sat inside the car to see him looking in the front with his jaw clenched , sighing she closed the car's door little loudly indicating him to start the car .

He started the car without even sparing a glance at her and she looked outside the window feeling bored as there is no one she could talk with in the car .

She than smiled and turned on the radio making him look at her . " What ?" She asked and he replied " Turn off the radio , it is distracting me and morever advertisement is playing rather than a song."

" No , I won't as I don't like to sit in silent and no one is here to talk anyways ." She told him making him clutch the steering wheel tightly being so done with the stubborn girl sitting beside him.

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