6. No Second Chance

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" We are here Mr. Raghuvanshi ." Adhira told him who was sitting in the car's backseat with his closed eyes and resting with his head laid back .

He opened his eyes hearing her and a guard immediately openend the door for him . Both him and Adhira stepped out of the car as the guards bowed at him immediately.

Without giving any attention to them he directly made his way towards the executive director's office with her following him behind .

Reaching to his cabin he kicked open the door making that executive director immediately got up from his seat and he bowed to his boss immediately.

" Miss. Arora , file ." Ivaan asked her and taking out the file from her bag she immediately gave it to him . He looked at the file and than at executive director who was now shivering with fear under his gaze.

Throwing the file on his desk harshly Ivaan growled " How dare you to go in red light area and do your dirty things under my company's name ."

That executive director immediately went on his knees and begged to him " I am sorry sir , please forgive me , it will not happen again . Please give me one last chance ."

Ivaan ignored his pleadings and looked at Adhira as she nodded her head indicating she know what to do next . He nodded his head and taking out the cigarette along with lighter from his pocket he kept the cigarette between his lips .

Before he could lit it up Adhira took the cigarette from between his lips and said " Ayy you know right , no smoking is allowed in the office building ."

That executiv director chuckled but immediately stopped earing a glare from Ivaan and with that he made his way outside the office .

That executive director got up from the floor and asked with hope looking at Aarna " I will get second chance right ? "

Adhira just smiled at him and told him " Why don't you take half day leave for today Mr. Goyal as so much is in your plate right now ." 

He smiled and said nodding his head " Yes you are correct Miss. Arora , okay than I will get going . Have a great day ."

With that he stepped outside his cabin and just than Harshit entered the cabin .

" Miss. Arora , Mr. Raghuvanshi is really going to give him another chance ? " He asked her making her smile at him and she replied " Mr. Bagg.... I mean Mr. Raghuvanshi never gives second chance to anyone ."  

With that she took out her phone , calling someone and told that other person on the call " Please throw away all the stuff from the desk of executive director Mr. Goyal and also clean the cabin ."

Harshit smiled hearing and told her " Thank you Miss. Arora for taking actions immediately or else the company would have faced great loss because of that idiot ."

Adhira smiled at him and replied " No worries Harshit and big thank you to you cause you informed me immediately before the news could spread like wildfire . "

Harshit nodded his head mumbling " It was my duty Miss. Arora ." Adhira hummed in response before excusing herself and she made her way towards her cabin .

She was going to step inside her cabin but than she saw Avyansh coming ouside Ivaan's office with Deekshanth in his arms.

" Heyy , Adhira ."  Avyansh greeted her making her smile and she said greeting him back " Hii Avyansh and hello my baby ."

Adhira said pinching Deekshanth cheeks making him giggle .

" Umm , if you don't mind can you please handle Deekshanth for today cause me and Esha are going out on a date . I asked bhai to handle him for today but he denied and beside you know right other family members are also not present at the mansion today. So can you please take care of him , we will be back by evening ." 

Adhira nodded her head with a smile on her face and told him taking the toddler from him " Ofcourse , I will you both go and enjoy ."

Avyansh smiled and thanking her he made his way ouside hurridely.

She than looked at the baby in his arms and kissed his cheeks before making her way inside her cabin. Taking her seat with him on her lap she started working just than she heard buzzing sound indicating that Ivaan is calling her .

Sighing she got up from her seat taking the baby boy in her arms who was playing with her hairs and made her way towards his cabin.

She went inside the cabin before knocking the door twice and stood infront of his desk.


Ivaan who was working diverted his attention to Adhira when he heard his office door opening . His eyes widened when he saw his nephew in Adhira's arms.

" Miss. Arora , may I ask you why he is with you ? " He asked her raising his eyebrows being displeased upon seeing his nephew with her .            

" Wohh Avyansh and Esha went on a date so I told Avyansh that I will take care of Deekshanth when I saw him coming outside your cabin as you denied to take care of this cute little baby ."

Adhira replied to him making him roll his eyes and she said last line while pinching Deekshanth chubby cheeks.

" Yeah by the way why did you called me Mr. Raghuvanshi ?" She asked him making him come back to senses and he replied coldy , giving her file " Miss . Arora , go through these deal papers once and if there are some mistakes than correct it before giving back to me . Also give him to me I will handle him ."

He told the last line slightly glarling at the toddler. Nodding her head she made her way towards him as she gave Deekshanth to him and took the file from his desk.

" Auntie will be right back baby , till than don't disturb your arrogant chachu or else he will become angry bird ." Adhira told him kissing his cheeks who was sitting on Ivaan's lap making him giggle and he clapped his hands.

Adhira's eyes widened upon realising what she just said and stepping back a little she looked at Ivaan smiling nervously. Before he could scold her she bowed at him and hurridely ran out of his cabin.

He massaged his head and mumbled " I will surely fire this idiot girl one day but when it comes to work she is perfect , so I can't fire her and waste my time in finding new secretary. Ahh fuck it ." 

He than looked at the boy sitting on his lap looking at him with his babmi eyes making him sigh and shaking his head he started doiong his work on his laptop.

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May God shower you with happiness and take all your pain away , you all beautiful souls.♥️

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