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" Miss. Arora , how much more time you will take ? " Ivaan yelled standing outside her room asking her and than he heard her shout from inside replying to him " Five more minutes , Mr. Raghuvanshi . "

He sighed listening to her and mumbled underneath his breath " From the past twenty minutes she is saying five more minutes. "

Just than he heard her room's door unlocking and his breath hitched seeing her in gorgeous red dress with a delicate necklace resting around her neck along with the matching pair of earings . The thing which which caught his attention was her lips which was painted in a baby pink shade making it more appealing to him .

" Mr. Raghuvanshi . " Adhira said tapping his shoulder a little making him come out of his staring session and clearing his throat he told her coldly passing his neck tie to her " Make my tie . "

She nodded her head and taking the neck tie from his hand she wrapped it around his neck . She started making the knots and the Ivaan was just looking at her , maybe in these 7 years he is first time noticing her from these close . 

After five minutes when she was done with making the tie she adjusted his suit properly before stepping back but he wrapped his hands around her waist making her look at him with wide eyes . She looked at him only to notice that his gaze was moving from her eyes towards her lips making her nervous suddenly .

She cleared her throat looking away from him making stop on his actions . He cleared his throat and leaving her he told her making his way towards the elevator " Let's go , Miss. Arora . "

She nodded her head following him . " What the heck I was even doing , control your damn self Ivaan Singh Raghuvanshi . " He scolded himself and now they both were standing beside eachother with awkward silence between them.

The moment they both reached the ground floor , exiting the lift they both made there way outside the mansion and sat in the car , with that the car drove away to it's destination.

Reaching the farmhouse where Mr. Gupta's daughter's birthday party was arranged they both locked there arms with eachother making there way inside where the party was going on .

" IVAAN . " They both heard Kavya's high pitched voice and Ivaan rolled his eyes mumbling " Such an annoying girl she is , damn it . " Adhira heard him and chuckled looking at his face which held pure irritated look.

But her chuckle died when he glared at her and she immediately diverted her attention to the lady standing in front of her .

Passing a small smile to her Adhira greeted her and in return Kavya also passed a genuine smile to her , than she diverted her gaze to Ivaan .

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