Ouran Academy

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I shifted uncomfortably in the banana dress. As the principals daughter I couldn't rebel by wearing what I want. It was really annoying. But of course I couldn't say that. I had to be Miss prim and proper.

I am saying one thing though. I'm not going to lessons on how to hold my tea.

Currently I was in that annoyingly big limo.

We pulled up at a humongous school that was.....pink. Seriously dad? The heck? Are you on drugs or something?

Tamaki was still with his club apparently. I'm beginning to think I'm never going to meet him. Oh well, I can live with that.

I walked to where my dad said the reception office is.

A bored look woman was reading a magazine. I cleared my throat and she looked up.

"What do you want?" She asked, not really interested.

"I'm Ayame de Grantaine. I'm here to pick up my schedule." I said. Dad decided I could use my mom's last name because I used it for so long.

She went through a couple papers before giving me the schedule.

"Thank you." I said bowing before leaving to my assigned class.

I opened the door slightly. It was still early so I was one of the first ones.

I walked in and took a seat at the corner, slipping on my glasses. I don't really need them except to read. I pulled out a book and started to read to pass the time.

Pretty soon students began piling in. What surprised me the most was when a couple of twins came in. But their hair was blue and pink?

Seriously. The school and now hair colors. Rich people what is wrong with you?

The twins sat on each side of a very feminine looking boy.

They also decided it would be fun to trip each other.

And then they started throwing things. An irk mark appeared on my head.

I collected my things and moved farther away.

I felt bad for the feminine boy, who currently looked ready to kill them, he was forced to sit right next to them.

~Le Time Skip~

I sat down with my B lunch. Those twins were arguing in line. Apparently they wanted opposite lunches.

The doors flew open and several guys walked in with sparkles and roses surrounding them. 'What the actual hell is wrong with these people?' I thought grumpily.

There was a black haired one with black glasses, and short blonde one, a tall black haired one, and another blonde one that looked a little like me.

Well, I met my brother indirectly.

Then he started screaming about heart-shaped lunches. 'that's not my brother.' I thought dully.

And, oh joy, they started throwing things. This time the short blonde one was added to the mix. But he didn't look scared. He looked amused. The tall one chased after him and put him on his lap.

"What's wrong with this school?" I muttered throwing away my trash and going to class.

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