Special #4

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"Ta-ma-ki" a dark voice growled.

"Yes Mommy dearest~?" Tamaki beamed.

"I'm going to kill you."

"Kyaaaaaaaa!" Tamaki shrieked, "Ayameeeeeee!"

Yes brother dear?" Ayame asked from her kitchen.

"Your boyfriends trying to kill me!" He sobbed.

"Without reason?"

"Well, um..."

"Oh god Tamaki, what did you do now? Haruhi lets go see what your man did." Ayame sighed.

"He's your brother when he's stupid." Haruhi retorted as they walked out of the kitchen.

What they came upon was Kyoya in a tutu trying to strangle Tamaki.




"BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Haruhi fell down laughing almost as much as when the boys dressed up as girls.

"K-Kyoya, is there something you need to tell me?" Ayame swallowed back her laughter.

"Your idiot brother and those stupid twins ganged up on me and forced this on me."

Sure enough, the twins were snickering behind some seats.

Ayame stared at the angered and irritated Kyoya in a dark purple leotard and skirt.

And then she was crying in laughter.

"Get me out of this thing!"

Special thanks to ChattyGabby1  for creating this amazing picture! She's also a writer so check her out, yes, yes?

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Special thanks to ChattyGabby1 for creating this amazing picture! She's also a writer so check her out, yes, yes?

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