Merry Christmas!

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"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" A certain blond boy screamed at the top of his, annoyingly big, lungs.

"I will kill you once a day for 12 days different ways." Ayame growled and covered my ears with a pillow.

On the first day of Christmas I drowned Tamaki~

On the second day of Christmas Tamaki lost his tongue~

On the third day of Christmas Tamaki fell down a cliff~

On the fourth day of Christmas Tamaki was smothered to death~

On the fifth day of Christmas guess what happened to Tamaki~? His body was cut in FIVE DIFFERENT PIECES!~

On the sixth day of Christmas a gas leaked into his house~

On the seventh day of Christmas Tamaki was!

On the eighth day of Christmas Tamaki choked on roses~

On the ninth day of Christmas Tamaki was killed by jealous boys~

On the tenth day of Christmas Tamaki tripped down the stairs~

On the eleventh day of Christmas Tamaki was killed by an angry awaken Honey~

On the twelfth day of Christmas Tamaki was...burned...a-.....liiiiiiive~!

"Ayame? Why're you smiling at me like that?" Tamaki tilted his head.

"Tamaki today is the twelfth day of Christmas, yes?"

"I guess?"

"Let's go play with the oven!"


Tamaki Suohs' body was never recovered. To this day he was never seen again.

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