Kyo Kyo

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My first chapter request for Reader Appreciation Week!

Tamaki mourned over a glass of apple juice in his hand. Sniffling and sobbing as his little sister celebrated her engagement with Kyoya.

The humanity of it all.

"Cheer up Tama-chan! Aya-chan and Kyo-chan are acting funny." Honey giggled.

Sure enough, Ayame and Kyoya were both red faced and acting out of normal.

Ayame clung to the table and giggled hazily, muttering a name that sounded like, Beaufort. Every once in a while she swayed on her seat and fell off her chair.

Kyoya was silently staring at the table as if he was challenging it to the battle of the death and scribbling in his black book without looking. A quick glance provided that it was mindless letters jumbled together.

Haruhi was helping Ayame back up at the moment, trying hard not to laugh when she tackled her and sobbed, "My hero!"

"Enemy." Kyoya's eyes flashed.

"Um what?" Haruhi asked nervously.

"I will have to fight you to claim back what is mine." Kyoya stood up.

"N-No thanks! I cede, you win!" She laughed shakily and shuffled away.

"I won." Kyoya smiled dully.

"Yay for Kyo Kyo!" Ayame called drunkly.

"Kyo Kyo won." Kyoya repeated smugly.

The twins were on the floor, shaking with suppressed laughter. Hikaru was trying to record but kept having to stop because of the laughter bubbling up.

"K...Kyoya I like this table." Ayame muttered. "Lets get it."

"Okay." Kyoya nodded and walked up to the owner.

"Um yes?"

"I want to buy that table."

"That table isn't for sale..."

"I don't think you heard me."

"I did sir, but-"

"I want to buy that table."

"Y-Yes sir."

"Yay!" Ayame clapped her hands excitedly.

Kyoya smirked and chuckled darkly. "Do not Challenge Kyo Kyo."

Ayame laughed hazily before slumping over and passing out.

"She's out." Mori nodded.

"Now Kyo Kyo is taking a nap." Kyoya nodded before falling onto the floor and sleeping.

The twins finally gave in and burst out laughing, with that the others gave in too.

"I'm never letting, "Kyo Kyo" forget this!" Kaoru gasped.

"Literally," Hikaru smirked and watched the video he was recording smugly.

Tamaki watched his apple juice before ordering alcohol. He could be drunk too! 

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