Perfect Picture

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"You just had to kick like a football star!" I yelled at a pale Tamaki.

"We better go examine the damage Baka-senpai did." Haruhi sighed.

I pulled out a notepad and wrote,

Witnesses and comments of Tamaki Suoh's property damage.

I passed it around and the twins got evil grins. Kyoya also got a wicked gleam in his eye. Or was that always there? Meh.

I read over it and snickered.

Tama-chan broke a window! I like cake. -Honey~!

The cost of that window is approximately 480,00¥. I expect the Suoh-san and Tamaki to pay for this. -Kyoya Ootori

After molesting Haruhi Fujioka's little cousin, we chased Tamaki to this point where he panicked and kicked a can to break a window and distract us. We caught him easily though. He will pay for continuous inappropriate behavior! -Local heroes Hikaru and Kaoru Hiitachiin!

"I am Haruhi's cousin. Tamaki tried to assault me. Please put him away for good.
-Alyssa Williams

I added in a line,

All of the following statements are true. Help us put away this menace for good.
-The bystanders

"NONE OF THAT IS TRUE!" Tamaki cried and reached for the paper.

"True but it sounds good." I shrugged and folded the paper into my pocket.

Alyssa looked over my shoulder and grinned. "Want me to turn this in to the secretary?"

"Yes but act like you're Haruhi's cousin and be tearful and scared." I said and smirked at Tamaki's haunted expression as he slowly dissolved.

"We...should...go....see the damage." Haruhi muttered.

"Oh yeah! Forgot about that in the midst of Tamaki's torture."

"THEY ARE MAKING FOOLS OF US!" Akira screamed at his lackeys.

So yeah. Tamaki kicked the can so hard it hit Akira's head.

Afterwards Akira told us a sob story about how his newspaper was failing, probably because he wrote nothing but gossip and lies, and asked to cover us.

Kyoya,bathe actual smart one, denied. So did the rest except for, guess who? Tamaki.

When we denied him he gave us those damn puppy eyes no one could resist.

And so here we are with Akira Komatsuzawa being painfully obvious and Tamaki Suoh being painfully oblivious.

"Let's play that commenter game! Red Light Green Light!" Tamaki cheered.

Everyone got into a line a far away distance from Tamaki.

"Green light!"

"Red light!"

"Honey you moved!"

"Awwww poop."

"Green light!"

"Red light!"

"You twins aren't slick. Back of the line!"

"Aw but Boss!"

"Green light!"

"Red light!"

"Hey Tamaki. Let's play hide-n-seek with partners. You and Haruhi hide and we seek." I said once I was close enough.

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