Request 2

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Ayame watched the clock tick and bit her lip. Kyoya would be due home any minute now and she had news.

Big news.

News about something growing in her stomach.

No, it's not a parasite.

It's a baby.

She had found out hours ago after days of disgusting vomiting and feeling bloated and sore.

She went to the hospital to receive news.

Congratulations! You're pregnant! Here, have a dose of anxiety and fear to go with this welcome news, and oh have a small intake of panic and shakiness! Have a nice day!

"Why am I freaking out?" She forced a chuckle. "He'll probably brush it off and start getting the preparations ready. Nothing special."

Just at that moment there was loud shuffling before a quiet voice called his presence.

"I'm home Ayame."

Ayame pinched her cheeks to get some color in them and walked out with a playful smile. "Welcome home Shadow King!"

Kyoya rolled his eyes and kissed her forehead, stretching tiredly. "So anything happen while I was gone?"

"Um yes actually."

He paused, "Oh? Nothing bad I hope." He continued to take his suitcase from a maid as Ayame continued.

"Yes, well, you know how I've been sick lately?"

"Yes, it was a big concern of mine to leave you alone."

"Well I went to see the doctor."

"Is it a cold? Stomach bug?" He asked, turning to her.

"No actually." She took a shaky breath and smiled nervously.

"What is it then?" His eyes narrowed in concern.

"Well, Kyoya... I'm... um." She broke off and took a calming breath.

"Ayame you know you can tell me any-"

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

Kyoya froze in shock, eyes widening comically.

For a moment they stood in silence, Ayame shifting nervously, Kyoya staring at her in disbelief.

"You're... pregnant?" He whispered.

"Yeah, I am." She met his eyes, and her own widened in shock. "Kyoya, why are you crying?"

He wiped his face and gave a low chuckle, "I don't know."

Ayame touched his arm in concern and was met with a small but sincere smile.

"You're pregnant."

A smile grew on her face until she was beaming, tears conjured up as she threw her arms around him. "I'm pregnant."

He gave a small laugh and hugged her.



"You're telling my brother you know."

"Oh hell no."

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