Special 1#

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~Ayame POV~

Today me and Haruhi were going to a 'commoners' fast food restaurant. And guess who followed? The twins.

"Where are the chandeliers?"

"Is this seat disinfected?"

"That kid just threw up on the slide."

"Why would you want to eat here?!" The asked together.

We shrugged and looked at the menu.

A perky waiter skipped to our table. She had brown hair tied into pigtails and brown eyes scanning the table.

"What would you like to order?" She asked.

"Chicken basket." Haruhi and I said together.

"Fruit Salad." Kaoru said.

"Cheeseburger with everything on it!" Hikaru smiled slyly. The waiter froze. Her cheeks lit up like the 4th of July. "Y-y-y-y-yes s-s-s-s-sir." She stuttered backing away.

We watched curiously as she banged into the table across from us. "Gomen!" She cried, only to bump into another table. "G-Gomen!" She yelled, running inside the kitchen.

"Commoners sure are weird. And not particularly in a good way." Hikaru shook his head.

10 minutes later the same waiter came, juggling our food.

She was about to reach our table when she bumped into a waiter carrying water. Officially soaking her and our food.

"GOMEN!" She yelped, running back to the kitchen.

Unfortunately in the process she managed to slash Hikaru and Haruhi.

"Ugh. Seriously?" Hikaru complained.

The waitress came again but slipped on the puddle of water. "EEK!" She yelped as she slipped, food flying everywhere.

Kaoru's salad landed on the floor, Haruhi's basket landed on the waitress, mine landed near the entrance, and Hikaru's landed on himself.

Poor guy was wet, hungry, and now veeery messy.

He stood up and Kaoru followed.

The waitress looked at the damage before looking at Hikaru, blushing fiercely when their eyes met. "G-g-g-g-gomen." She managed out.

The twins stalked out. Haruhi and I followed. "Commoners restaurants are horrible. Who was that girl anyway?"

"Her name tag said Alyssa Williams." I shrugged.

"Remind me to send in a complaint."

That's what you get for laughing at my misery Alyssa! You big bully! This revenge wasn't as bad as it could be! But I will make you suffer if you laugh again😈

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