'The Miserable Month' As Quoted by Tamaki

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~With the Hosts 1 week in~

"Is his highness okay?" Kaoru asked Hikaru. Hikaru shrugged and glanced over to a certain brunette with a 'puppy hoodie'. (😉)

"He hadn't moved from his corner in a week." Honey said suddenly bounding over.

"I wonder what that 'important business trip' was about." Kaoru poked his brother who once again shrugged.

"He's got serious sister complex. And daughter complex? How does that work?" Kaoru continued, slightly annoyed at his twins lack of response.

"Tama-chan? Club is starting soon." Honey poked the back of Tamaki's head who looked up with a blank, white face.

"H-has a m-month p-passed?"

"Nope~! Only a week!" Honey hrinned cheerfully.

"...how many more weeks?"

"Uuuuh liiiiiike uuuuuuum....3?"

"...I'm going into hibernation."

~With Ayame 1 week in~

Honestly the man was insufferable. He constantly insulted people while checking his hair. If he put any more gel into his hair it could easily rival any metal.

I internally sighed as he continued talking about hair products. Throwing in a couple comments on how I desperately needed a few.

3:20. Bye now the host club would be getting prepared. I would be thinking of new recipes and using Kyoya as a test subject, even if he didn't know it, not listening to this guy.

God I hate that witch of a grandmother. I wanted to tell that old hag to stuff her high poise and pointy nose up her-*beeeeeep*

The following word is censored for younger viewers.

~With the Hosts 2 weeks in~

"Too bad Ayame is missing the Scare-a-Thon." Hikaru commented off-handedly.

Kyoya sighed in annoyance as the blonde headed blunder dived into the nearest corner.

It was true Kyoya thought about the sarcastic blonde she-devil, though he would never admit it.

"Oops." Hikaru chuckled sheepishly.

"Tamaki get the hell up. It's almost been a month now." Alyssa rolled her eyes as she ate her pocky.

"But I miss heeeeer." He whined.

"Haruhi is getting jealous." Alyssa grinned unashamed when Haruhi sent her a 'thanks a lot' look and backed away slowly.

Of course Tamaki did the natural thing.

He tackled her.

Alyssa snickered as Hikaru approached her.

"Hey Alyssa, wanna join our group in the Scare-a-thon~?" He asked in a mock ghost voice.

Alyssa flushed and nodded with a wide smile. "As long as you guys don't wet your pants." She teased and Hikaru puffed out his chest.

"Pfffft. Me? As if!"

Kaoru frowned slightly, feeling like a third wheel. He never felt like this around his brother. Yet, here he was.


Kaoru and Haruhi got seperated from Hikaru and Alyssa.

Haruhi decided to look near the cafeteria and Kaoru searched near the classrooms.

What he saw made him turn away. His brother didn't even to notice they got split up.

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