300 Follower Special

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"Hello all~! This is the 300 follower special! I'm Yuki~! That's Kai and that's Ayame~!" A blonde bounced into the room, her assets bouncing as she skipped exaggeratedly in her heels.

"This again?" Kai muttered with a heavy sigh, stirring her tea longingly.

"I guess so." Ayame sighed and eyed the blonde, busty girl warily.

Only to see her flirting with Kyoya.

Oh hell no.

"Okay you stereotypical, bird brained, offensive piece of shit. That guy is the jerk to my bitch. Hands off." Ayame glared from next to her boyfriend.

"My name is Mary Sue Yuki Fujioka-Hiitachiin." Yuki said distastefully. "And all the hosts are in love with me."

"We are?"

"Besides, everyone looks at my asserts anyway. Why is KyoKyo any different?"

Oh no that bitch didn't.

"Oh yes she did." Kai offered dryly.


"Yes Ayame?"

"May I beat the shit out of her scrawny little ass?"

"Please do."

Ayame cracked her knuckles and lunged at the offender.

Yuki squawked indignantly and weakly fought back.

Kai appeared in the background with a purple flag.

"Go Ayame..." She said dully waving the flag.

"Go Ayame!" Kaoru pulled out a confetti popper.

"Yay Busty #1!" Hikaru clapped and jumped.

Kyoya appeared behind Hikaru wearing an evil smile.

"It was a joke!" Hikaru squawked, jumping away.

"Hmm...Ayame is cute when she asserts her dominance against other women." Kyoya smirked as Ayame yanked out a clump of hair from Yuki's head screaming "DIE YOU SELF CONFIDENT, STEREOTYPICAL BITCH!"

"Yeah cute." Kai deadpanned.

Haruhi walked in and face palmed.

"I can't leave you guys alone for a second."



"Wooo go Ayameeee."

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