Le Beach

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"We got all these bathing suits specifically from our mom." The twins announced with a evil glint in their eyes.

"I think this one will look cute on you Haru-chan!" Honey yelled waving a school girl looking one-piece.

"Tut. Tut. Tut." The twins shook their heads. "Haruhi couldn't possibly wear that! This was specifically designed to show off their breasts. Haruhi is flat as a cardboard." They said.

"Thanks a lot." Haruhi grumbled. I pat her back sympathetically. Stupid Twins.

"Ayame however has a particularly big chest-" they began.

My eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Perverted rich bastards." I grumbled as my idiotic big brother hit them with a baseball bat.

"No sexually harassing my little sister and Haruhi!"

I jumped on his back. "Vous l'aimer liiiiike" or "You liiiike her." Happy style bitches. (Yes. Fairy Tail reference.)

"quoi?!? Comment pourrait papa aimer sa fille?!" He helped blushing bright red. (Comment if you want translation.)

"Vous êtes dans ce? Voilà bro brut." I smirked.

"Non! Daddy- ! I- hein AHHHH!" He screamed.

I started laughing. "Welcome to the family Haru-chan." I wiped away my tears.

"Eh?" She muttered in confusion.

Kyoya coughed. "Going on another vacation would drop our prices." He said, adjusting his glasses.

"So we aren't going to the beach?" Kaoru asked.

"Oh no we are going."

"Eh?" Hikaru muttered.


"So we brought the girls with us!" Honey exclaimed.

Tamaki was flirting on a rock with a line of girls behind him.

The twins were playing volleyball and Kaoru just ran after the ball with Hikaru chasing him.

Haruhi was sitting on a towel and flattering her regulars in hopes of being alone.

Kyoya was being Kyoya. Scaring girls and boys into peeing.

Honey and Mori..........I actually have no idea what they are doing. Some weird stretching maybe?

"Haru-chaaaaaaaan! Aya-chaaaaaaan! Let's go hellfish shunting!!" Honey yelled a few minutes later.

"I think you mean 'shellfish hunting'." Haruhi said.

"Hm do hellfish swim in the fires of hell or are they just evil?" I pondered.

"And I've never heard of anyone shellfish hunting here." She explained ignoring me.

"Maybe if they touch you then you go to hell? Or maybe they burn like hell?" I muttered.

"Holy!" Haruhi yelped looking at the sand crawling with shellfish.

"Yaaaaay! I'm going to name you Bob! And you're going to be my best friend!" I said to a shellfish. It laid still but then crawled away.

"Nooooooo! Boooooooob! Don't leaaaaaaave!" I cried ignoring my brothers reaction to Haruhi yelling happily about food.

The twins pat my head. "There are plenty of shellfish in the sand."

"Hey Haruhi isn't this crab....crab-tivating?" Tamaki said holding up a crab. I stared at him. Stare....Stare....Stare....Stare....Stare. "Really?"

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