118. There May Be Trouble Ahead

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"HELP! For the love of fuck help me!" Theo's voice rang out around Draco's room as he jumped to his feet, wand in hand looking around in the semi-darkness. Dark all except for a little area about his bed, where a bright white light now appeared.
Not a light, an orb. "It's Theo. I need backup! Sloane and Hermione have been taken. Some sort of large beast, I can't get a good look at him. Both girls are unconscious and being carried away. Get your ass down to the west tower now! Bring everyone, bring anyone! I am going to try and fend them off. Tell Daphne I love her! Come quickly mate to rescue your girl...and probably me too!"

Draco's eyes were wide in panic. The first thing he did was wave his wand over his boxers, adding last night's jeans and a sweatshirt on him as well as shoes before grabbing the orb and running out of the room. He ran down the hall and burst into Sloane's room, knowing perfectly well Theo wasn't lying but he had to see for himself.

"Sloane too?" Harry breathlessly asked behind him, pulling his own hoodie over his head.

Draco nodded. "Hermione?"

"She's not here. I've even checked the common room and the kitchen and bathroom." Harry could feel the lump in his throat. "What -"

Whatever he was going to ask he was interrupted as Goose came tumbling out of Hermione's room with Beth in his pouch, dropping her at Harry's feet. She didn't look too happy to have been grabbed and stuffed into his pouch the way she was. Goose took a deep breath and then began to frantically squeak and squawk. "Hang on buddy I can't understand you." Draco bent down as did Harry and pulled out his wand. "Dice Nunc".

"Mummy and grandma were with Beth ands me on the ledge thingy and they's falling asleep as that bad thing arrived." He was talking very fast and Draco was just about keeping up, his hands shaking and his heart beating like a loud drum. "I's not liking him and I tried to helps mummy but he chase-ded me and Beth. And mummy always says to get daddy when there is trouble. So's I lifted Beth and climbed up to grandmas windows."

Draco held his hand out as Goose climbed on. "You did good," he said although he sounded terrified.

"Do you know where mummy and grandma are now?" Harry asked as he put on his glasses. Goose shook his head and looked down at his feet. "Dammit!" Harry snapped making Beth jump.

"Don't be upset," Draco half smiled. "You did the right thing. Now Granda and I are going to go and get mummy and grandma and you are going to stay here and keep Beth safe. Go into Sloane's room. There are plenty of snacks and toys. Stay safe until I come and get you. Alright?" He shocked Harry by bending and kissing the little Niffler's head before setting him down and watching him pull Beth into the bedroom and closing the door. He then turned to Harry. "We need to get McGonagall and get to the security room."

Not that they need have worried. As the two boys left the portrait and headed for the stairs, Professor McGonagall was just stepping off them and onto the floor. She looked terrified but straightened up. "I knew I would find you both. I take it the girls aren't in the dorm?" Both boys shook their heads. "So Mr Nott wasn't pulling my leg? Damn it, I didn't think so."

"We need to get to the security room to see if that bastard has them," Draco said not waiting for a response but taking off running again, this time not stopping until he was in the school Foyer and banging on the door.

A large man Draco had never seen before answered. "Can I help you at this unnatural hour?" Draco shoved past him. "Oi what do you think you're -"

"Official business," Professor McGonagall said completely ignoring him and stepping into the room, with Harry on her heels.

"Have you been watching these screens all night?" Harry asked as Draco scanned them.

"Since eight pm yesterday," the man looked confused.

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