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After getting hit, Matthew no longer enters the palace.

Ji Jungkook looked for another westerner for Ye Lisa, this time he is a priest, also known as the western monk. This person is rather elderly, wearing a black robe without a belt, and wearing a rosary on his neck. His hair is very thick, almost like a sheep, and has a full beard, that covers his mouth. Seeing him will give off a feeling of "even if you did any mistake, don't worry the god will forgive", that's what Ji Jungkook thought.

Ji Jungkook forgive him for that, and introduced him to Ye Lisa. This person is not good looking if compared to Matthew, you have to focus in order to look through his facial hairs.

"The way he walks looks like a big sack that turned into a demon" This was what Ye Lisa's first impression of him was.

That sentence made Ji Jungkook spit out his tea again, and since then, every time he saw the priest he will think of the walking sack. Almost like a curse that can't be stopped.

Mr Beard is called "Mr Dou", this was how Ye Lisa calls him too. Ye Lisa actually likes Mr Dou better than Matthew, because he can read, and knows a lot. Ye Lisa especially like when they ate together, when she sees him trying his best to put food into his mouth without the food touching his beard.

After observing for a few days, Ji Jungkook found that Ye Lisa was satisfied, and he himself was satisfied about it, and thought that this would be the end of the case.

But, Ye Lisa thinks otherwise. Although she doesn't half a small chest, but her forgiveness isn't too big, so she did not forget that Ji Jungkook is a very self centered person and how he punished the innocent Matthew. Thinking that she must get her revenge this round.

Such a coincidence, the moment she feels sleepy someone gave her a pillow. These few days something happened, that allowed Ye Lisa to laugh at Ji Jungkook.

We must start the story few days back, when Ye Lisa's female family members are allowed to visit.

Ye Lisa's grandmother, mother and 2 other sister in laws entered the palace. Her third brother hasn't gotten married.

The old madam no longer cared that she was the empress and immediately hugged her and cried non stop. The other three woman followed and cried together, Ye Lisa's mother cried the most. They scared Ye Lisa, she don't know who she should console anymore, finally with the help of the maid servants they brought along, they finally ceased the crying. Then they started to chat.

Woman, when they gather together, they will talk about the usual, whats happening at other families and what not. Then the topic lead to the empress dowager's niece who got her marriage canceled. The lady is called Xu Wei Rong, same age as Ye Lisa, and was promised to another family's son, who knew that the news of the promise being broken, would be so near the wedding date some more.

"I heard that it is because the man's side got a deadly disease, and seeing that the wedding is near, he cancelled it to save Xu Wei Rong... .. " "What type of sickness did he get?" Ye Lisa asked..

"It isn't disease" her eldest sister in law said. "the man eloped with another girl"

"!!!" Ye Lisa opened her mouth in shock "really?" But.. if that really happened, the family would have kept it real quiet, how did others find out?"

"It really is so.. there is no wall that can block the wind" Mother answered

Ye Lisa closed her mouth and shook her head, "that guy really is useless, throwing his family, as well as dragging down an innocent girl with him"

"You should stop pitying others first, think about yourself, you silly girl" Grandmother tapped Ye Lisa's forehead.


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