121. It's The End Of The World As We Know It

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Sloane tried again desperately to pull her shackles from the wall. Not that she knew what she was planning if she did get them loose. She was still weak from the whole being strangled situation so she wasn't having much luck. Only drawback to her powers was that she couldn't heal herself. So she still had the bruising and the pain in her neck as well as the cuts on her feet from the broken glass. "Sloane save your energy," Theo called from a few feet away where he lay on the floor with his feet and legs leant against the wall. "You've almost died! You need to be resting." There was a low growl making both girls jump at that moment. Theo blushed. "Sorry that was my stomach. I'd kill for a chicken sandwich right now."

Hermione went back to closing her eyes and listening. Being trapped was nothing new to Hermione. She had been caged before. She had been held captive before, tortured before and her live was in danger - many times before. So she knew it was pointless to try and free your shackles like Sloane was currently attempting and she knew it was pointless to simply sit in defeat like Theo clearly was doing. Hermione was not the kind to sit around and wait to be rescued. Usually Hermione was the one doing the rescuing. So instead she listened. If she really focused she could hear faint whisperings coming from right outside the door where they were currently being held. She was trying desperately to piece together what was being said but so far all she got were bits and pieces of information that she was unable to piece together. 'Sloane' 'heart' 'Theo' 'ring' or maybe it was 'bring'. She also heard her own name being whispered as well as Harry and Draco. She gave a frustrated sigh.

"Hermione are you alright?" Sloane asked, slighting concerned. Hermione sat with her legs crossed, her hands on her knees and her eyes closed. If they weren't in a prison of a room, Sloane would actually guess that Hermione was meditating. But Sloane could sense Hermione's determination and that she was super focused.

"I'm listening," she answered simply as if that cleared everything up.

Even Theo was now intrigued. "Listening to?"

"What's going on outside," she said not opening her eyes. "I'm trying to figure out if Euan is out there by himself or is he has others. If the team are on their way down, are they coming down to an army or just a few of Euan's minions?" She opened one eye to see both Sloane and Theo looking impressed. She refrained from smirking. "If there are many, then Sloane could warn Draco in advance so they are prepared."

Theo sat up right now, listening too. "What have you heard so far?"

Hermione frowned slightly as she concentrated. The foyer at the rooms around them all created an echo which helped but it was still hard to make out. "He's talking to someone," Hermione said quietly. "I can hear him pacing. He knows they are on their way. He's mentioned our names and something about someone's heart. He keeps moving and the further he gets away from the door, the harder it is to hear what he's saying."

"He's worried," Sloane said, now she too was listening out. She was trying to feel his emotions. She could feel Theo's intrigue as well as his hunger and Hermione's hopefulness. But there were a few more emotions in the air. Worry, a sense of dread and panic. "If it's him I'm sensing, he is worried. Maybe that he might be defeated. That his plan won't work." She closed her eyes like Hermione but slowly moved closer to the door, or as close as she could get and pressed her ear to the wall. "Someone else out there is worried that maybe Euan is losing it. Others are afraid of what's going to happen. Someone feels a little regret."

Theo scoffed. "Probably regret that they didn't finish us off before now."

"Listen," Hermione said as she leaned closer to ward's the door, not that the small distance made any difference to the sound. "They are moving much quicker now. The others must be almost here."

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