Important Updates

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Hey everybody. It's been awhile since I put one of these up.But there are some things I wanna talk about with all you who seem to enjoy my stories for some weird reason. But as of all of you guys that have read my other fan fictions know I will not be updating it anytime soon it will be on hold until I can think of a new path for it to go. Along with this story, the updates will be slower so I can think of new chapters and try and get them perfect since the last few have been pretty shitty.On top of that I'm thinking while finishing up this Teen Wolf fanfic I'm going to be writing a new story. It won't be fanfic because I'm going to distance myself from writing fan fiction since there really isn't to much to be creative with, especially since all I like to write about is t.v type of fan fiction. So with this story I've been thinking of doing I can create a whole different type of world or realistic fiction. If any of you could give me input on what kind of story i should do that'd be super great. But until then I'll continue to write this and the new chapter will be up hopefully within the next few weeks. I love you allthanks so much and stay alert for my new story hopefully coming next month. 

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