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"Are you kidding me!" I shouted pushing my hair back in frustration.Cora was hidden somewhere and it was just Derek and I.He wouldn't even look at me all he did was stare out the window.

"Look i'm not sorry for telling you before because it was not important, but now things are getting out of hand and they might try to hurt you to get to me." I rolled my eyes and hopped off the table , wrapping my arms around his waist from behind.He avoided this and broke free from me walking away.I let my arms drop to my side and watched as he walked away from me.The rejection flooded me in an unpleasant way.

"Derek don't let this bother you we'll get through it just like how we got through the kanima problem ,but we have to do it together ." I could tell in his eyes that he didn't believe it.No matter what I say he won't believe it , by the looks of what the loft looked like before it was cleaned, these guys mean business. I caressed his face and kissed him softly trying not to force it and pulled back looking in his eyes.

"I love you okay , don't forget that" his lips tugged to the side in a crooked smile and he kissed me again.

"Love you too, now get going.I'll see you tonight."


I threw my binder back in my bag after finishing the last page of homework we were assigned in English.Giving in I ran downstairs to deal with the fact i haven't eaten at all today and my stomach was very upset at me.As I skipped down the steps there was a soft knock on the front door.Weird it couldn't have been Derek cause he uses my window to get in.I peeked out the side window but since it was so rainy and dark all there was standing outside was a dark silhouette.I opened the door and Isaac stood there dripping wet."Hey is Scott home?" i nodded and opened the door wider for him to step out of the rain.

" Jesus Isaac first of all why are you here so late and second ever heard of umbrellas they're pretty great for rain."he rolled his eyes and stepped past me.I shut the door and followed him upstairs to Scott's room.I knocked once and opened the door without a reply.

"Hey butthead you got a visitor " I announced, he spun his chair in our direction gazing up at Isaac.

"Can i stay here for just a little while?"Scott looked back to me and I put a thumbs up.

"uh,yeah sure" Scott smiled and got back to whatever he was doing.Isaac followed me to my room and stood at my door frame as I searched for a towel."The bathrooms right down the hall here's your towel."He grabbed the towel and walked down the hall closing the door behind him.I sighed and flopped onto my bed face first.


Instead of the loud alarm clock waking me up this morning I felt a soft touch on the back of my neck.A groan escaped me as I started to stretch, there was another soft touch but this time it was lower and i could feel a slight wetness.I looked up and saw Derek hovering over me .I smiled and caressed his cheek."Good morning " he whispered probably trying to avoid waking up Scott.

"What are you doing here?" i whispered back sitting up and stretching my arms out in front of me.He sat down near my legs and looked at my clock.

"How about you skip school and come with me today."i rubbed my light adjusting eyes and yawned.The clock read 6:30 and the sun was already peeking through the curtains.

"Why?"I asked .

"Because we have not spent any time together and I have something for you." He got up and silently scooped my legs and my back up and lifted me off the bed.

"Please put me down I promise to wake up and get ready." he laughed and set me down.I grabbed a few articles of clothing and a towel and brought them to the my bedroom bathroom.

"Wait in here "I closed the door behind me and started the water.Stripping my clothes off and jumping in.Whilst i was washing my hair I heard the bathroom door open and shut slowly.The curtain opened and Derek hopped in.I almost screamed until he clamped a hand over my mouth."Melissa's out there and there is no room in your closet."My eyes were wide as he slowly removed his hand and looked up.

"Hey Emily ?" I heard Melissa's voice come through the door and get louder as she opened it.

"Yeah Melissa?" I asked looking up at Derek with my eyes widened in horror.

"Before you go to school can you please start the dishwasher and take the trash out since it's trash day?"

"Sure no problem " the door closed and i let out a tiny breath of relief.Derek still didn't move and i bit my lip."Can you get out before this get's anymore awkward than it already is." He smirked and opened the curtain closing it behind him.Inside I screamed over and over again , to think he just saw me naked it so embarrassing.I finished my shower and got dressed letting my hair dry naturally.I took a deep breath before opening my door.Derek was on my bed staring at his phone screen.

"I'm ready to go"He got up and followed me downstairs.I did everything Melissa wanted and grabbed my car keys.Derek snatched them out of my hand and quickly got into the driver's seat.

"Um what do you think you are doing?" he ignored me and started the engine .I sighed and sat in the passenger seat leaning my elbow on the window and watching the houses fly by,I ended up dozing off since it was only 7am still.

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now