twenty one

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"Emily ... Emily Knight." My head hit the desk with a loud thud as the comfortable book I was sleeping on was ripped out from under me.I groaned attempting to rub away the pain as snickers erupted around the class as Miss.Blake decided to wake me up.I glared up at her and sat up.

"No sleeping in my class please."Rolling my eyes I fixed my things and rested my head on my hand watching as Stiles stared back at me with pity.The bell rung disrupting what she was going to say as chairs were pushed into desks muffling out her voice."Remember the recital is tonight come if you can !" she yelled excitedly.I got up slowly pushing in my chair and dragging my binder off the desk.

I've never been so tired in my life.The lack of sleep wasn't the worse of it , right now I was suffering from 2 severely bruised ribs and two cracked ribs.Along with a dislocated shoulder and a few broken fingers and a sprained ankle that are healing slowly.The fingers and ankle healed and the shoulder is almost healed but Deaton expects my ribs to be healed by tonight hopefully.

The twins are acting as if nothing even happened.Like they didn't witness my friend die last night.I shook away the dark thoughts as tears pricked at the corner of my eyes, I can not cry in this school I have to keep up the facade so the Twins won't think I'm weak . As I unlocked my locker, in my peripheral vision Ethan stopped on my right side.

"Emily , look, Aiden and I didn't want to do that last night. It was orders. We're so sorry that Boyd died." I sucked in a breath and faced him.

" I forgive you , but tell Deucalion head my warning when Darach is killed. He better hide because my arrow will meet his head." I slammed the locker closed and continued to my classes.

I currently had a free period so I decided to lay out on the field and read like a normal teenager.I strolled outside looking down at my phone hoping for some kind of message from Allison , only to ram head first into someone.

"Shit, can't you see by the palpable bandages on me that screams i'm injured."My notebooks all dropped to the ground."Asshole"I snapped feeling my torso scream in pain as I crouched down to pick everything up when a familiar pair of pale hands brushed past mine.I closed my eyes and got up holding my things."What are you doing here,last time I checked you were well to old for high school." I stared up at Derek keeping calm.Why is it so hot all of a sudden. "Actually i don't want to know." I commented taking my stuff and walking to the middle of the field placing everything down.

"Emily I've been wanting to talk to you " , he said .I removed my sweater letting the sweet sun kiss my bare arms and sat on top of the grass..Since the bandage around my chest kind of limited the selection of shirts I could wear I decided to wear a tank top .

"Well i don't want to talk to you , derek " he put a hand on my arm and I smacked it away quickly.

"Emily, we have to talk about this."He pleaded.

"There is nothing to talk about Derek. You had plenty enough time to talk to me while you were playing dead, but you used that time to have sex with Jennifer!" My voice strained to yell."Derek can't you see how bad you messed up.Boyd and Erica and a whole bunch of people are dead and on top of that Scott, Isaac and I were almost killed why don't you act like an alpha and take care of it instead of spending all your time ogling at your new girlfriend."

"I-"He began to speak but I began laughing. The chuckles muted due to the pain it caused."Why are you laughing?"

"I find it funny how, I could never get your attention when you were busy with your duties.But Jennifer throws her vagina at you and you drop everything and get Boyd killed." I scoffed. "You're worse than peter." His eyes turned cold as he began turning around

"Don't you dare compare me to him.".Leaving me alone in the field.I layed back and sighed covering my eyes with a book and dozing off.

The night was rolled in quickly, leaving any trace of sunlight behind.The recital was in 40 minutes and I have yet to decide on what to wear.Finally giving up I put on a black camisole and dark washed skinny jeans which was easy to move in since Darach is targeting another teacher tonight and there is something telling me that its gonna be at the recital. Is it bad that I so desperately want it to be Jennifer.She's a teacher so why can't she be targeted what's so damn special about her that she can't be a target.If I was stupid enough I would think she is Darach but she looks like she can barely hurt a fly.

I sighed and watched the moon shine from behind the night clouds trying to illuminate the school.Another night , another terrible tragedy in Beacon hills.

Kids, parents, and some police officers were gathering into the school auditorium taking seats on the black fold out chairs. The band was setting their instruments out on the stage and I spotted Danny talking to Ethan and Aiden. I walked up to them with my hands in my pockets smiling."Hey Ethan can I steal your brother for a minute or 2 and i'll give him right back before the show." I asked after giving him a warm hug.

"Sure." He answered.I looked around and pulled Aiden to the farthest corner of the room and crossed my arms with a smug look on my face. " You're either here for Ethan , or you here for the same reason I am.Darach." His answer was written all over his face. He bent down and to my ear.

" Emily you need to leave." he whispered in my ear.

"Why? "

"Because I like you , and I don't want you to get hurt tonight." He whispered frantically straightening himself and beginning to walk to his seat. I grabbed his arm with enough force to leave a bruise.

"I can take care of myself Aiden , but tell me why should I be afraid.Is it Deucalion?"Aiden sighed and peered over his shoulder at Ethan who was staring at us."Can we talk after the recital please." Sighing I held onto my purse and took a seat next to him and Ethan. The conductor took his baton and raised it in the air signaling the orchestra and band to begin their piece.20 minutes into the song there was a strange ringing coming from the hallway.I glanced around, everyone seemed oblivious to the blaring noise"You don't hear that?" I asked Ethan.He shook his head glancing down at me.

"Are you okay ?" Aiden whispered and I shook my head.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom." My feet brought me out of the auditorium and I began following the source of the ring.

"You don't even know what you are." A females voice bounced through my head as I got closer and closer. Finally my feet stopped walking and I removed my gun from my purse and held it close to my chest as I peered into the room. A dark silhouette stood in front of a tied up Lydia, my eyes widened as the silhouette raised a rope to Lydia's throat. Lydia's eyes were frightened frantically looking between me and the woman in front of her.

Barging into the room I cocked the gun and aimed at the stranger.

"Drop the rope Darach and I won't shoot you" She turned around smiling. The murderer smiled and revealed her true identity.

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