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Jackson looked in my direction and I stepped back into the shadows.The feeling of death wreaked off of him this wasn't the boy I've grown fond of lately. It was a kind of innocent, jerk being controlled by a cold blooded animal. Matt brought Scott somewhere else and Jackson left the room following behind.I tip toed over to the desk and looked at their phones. I grabbed scotts and ran lightly to the officers stations where their desks were . Matt was rambling on to Scott about the story of why he was scared of water and how Issac's father was his kill.I was suddenly pushed out of my hiding spot by Jackson and Matt held up his gun to me.

"Oh Emily you've made it , Jackson leave her alone she's the only person here i don't hate " Jackson backed up and disappeared.I put my gun away and carefully walked over to him. He pointed the gun at my stomach. "I may like you but I will not hesitate to shoot you. So don't try."Scott had worry written all over his face. Matt must not know i could heal .

"Matt what are you doing , like whats the whole point of this " i asked stepping forward slowly .

"Revenge,and just pure enjoyment to see that i'm unstoppable." I mentally rolled my eyes.I tried to get closer with out pushing the limits.

"Matt just let everyone go including Scott's mom and Stiles dad they've done nothing to deserve this just stop with all of this the killings included." he looked at the door,and I stepped closer about a foot away from him.

" You guys don't understand anything do you,they almost killed me and they did not care . They are the murderers not me , they deserve it Emily " He yelled at me. I gave the most caring face I could possibly give to a killer. He lowered the gun a little as I got closer. Scott was staring at me trying to figure out what I was doing.

" Matt I know what you've been through.I to was almost killed when i was smaller. I know the feeling of losing all hope when that water rushes down your throat and takes you under.It feels like hell but what happens to us , nothing the killers walk free but that doesn't give you the right to kill them, my father tried to drown me in my own bathtub but did I murder him? No and you shouldn't kill these people either." I finally closed the distance and put my hand on his that was holding the gun. He looked at me with cold eyes, and i wrapped an arm around him." Just give me the gun and you can walk free from this and start new" i whispered in his ear hoping it would work. He slowly leaned down to my ear and whispered lowly sending chills down my spine.

" I just can't do that" the gun went off and i fell to the floor holding my hand over my lower abdomen . The bullet hole gushed blood and I screamed in pain feeling the tissue trying to heal over the bullet. Scott tried to bend down but Matt held the gun to him. I looked at him and gestured him to go with matt and listen.

"Poor thing she's only human what does that mean " Matt mocked. I took my index finger and stuck it in the wound and pulled the bullet out almost screaming in pain. I could feel small shells stuck inside. Matt stared in horror as i threw the bloody bullet at him .

The tissue healed over and the pain slowly faded. Scott looked like he was trying to hide a smirk but it cracked through.Pulling my gun out i pointed it at Matts head."You're a wolf?" i shook my head and smirked .

"No i'm worse" Scott smiled and the lights all went out.The alarm went off." GET DOWN!" gun shots pierced through the building and the windows shattered. I hid under a desk with my hands over my ears trying to block out the noise. Smoke filled the room as a smoke bomb went off. I crawled from underneath the desk and grabbed Scott. We ran out of the station an to where Derek and Stiles were.

"Take him leave me!" Derek shouted trying to get up.

"Scott go ill stay." he gave me the over protective big brother look and ran away with stiles. I helped Derek up.

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now