Twenty Three

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The sound of fighting faded away turning into a deafening silence.I pushed myself off the floor struggling out of the hospital.I limped to the back of the hospital where the ambulance was.The whole place was empty already, Kali must have gotten to them.Just as I began to walk back into the hospital Scott and Peter ran into me."Whoa what happened to him" I asked pointing to Peter.They ran past me getting to the ambulance.

"Your new buddies attacked us" peter spoke sarcastically.I rolled my eyes and helped Scott get him into the ambulance where Stiles and Cora were.Cora was barely breathing and her heart rate was weakening even faster than before.Peter's expression changed as he touched her skin."Is there anyway you can heal her ?" Scott asked.They were all staring down at me waiting for an answer.

"I-I don't know it only works when it wants." I climbed into the back and knelt on her side.As I lay a hand on her, darkness washed over me ,there was a burning pain running up my arm.The sound of heavy breaths around me was replaced with an obnoxiously loud bell .Finally after taking in as much pain as possible I took my arm back and covered my ears."Emily you can't save her" a croaky voice spoke out loud.The ringing ceased and they were all staring at me.

"So?" I began shaking my head and getting out of the ambulance.

"I might have taken some of her pain away but I can't heal her."I glanced at my watch realizing I had to get going.

"Scott can I please talk to you. Like right now" I pulled us away to the front of the ambulance glancing around anxiously feeling a change in the air.

"What is it Em."He asked watching me chew on my nail.How should I ask him what i need to ask? Should i just announce it or drag it out.Announce it.

"Scott I'm leaving to Deucalion and I want you to come back with me."He stepped away shaking his head at the offer.I expected him to reject it but just a twinge of me hoped he would leave with me.It would feel so much safer.

"Scott please."I pleaded."If you're gonna take down Jennifer then join us with you me and Deucalion we can destroy her and get stiles dad back."The look in his eyes told me no.Of course he would say no I wouldn't blame him, joining a psycho Alpha to kill a psychopath who is killing everyone."I'll go, Scott but the offers on the table."I stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets and began running into the hospital corridor.There were gunshots going off in the front.Son of a bitch.

I ran as fast as possible, ducking just in time to miss a bullet.Someone ran into me pushing me back into the hospital."It's not safe out there!" One of the twins shouted.It was Aiden pushing me into the hospital and only now did i realize the lights were back on.

"They're getting away" I spoke throwing him off of me and standing up.They were yelling my name as i began running towards the stairs , climbing two at a time.I finally ran to the open elevator doors seeing an unconscious Derek and a open shaft perfect enough for Jennifer to escape through.Where's Melissa?If everyone else was on the ground then only Melissa could have put the lights back on.No.I glanced back at Derek and cringed.Instead of helping I ran up to the roof to reveal an empty top with no one.My legs failed me and I fell to my knees holding my hands up to my face.

"MOM" The door behind me busted open.

"She took her Scott." I whispered. Deucalion appeared from the other side of the roof.

"You did well tonight Emily, I am deeply sorry about your mother, go find Kali and the boys." I nodded and jumped off of the roof onto the fire escape.Instead of running I began walking to the place where we stashed the bikes.

"You need to stop pulling back in the fight Ethan, We could have had her."Aiden yelled.

"Oh my god if you two don't shut up ,I'm going to kill you myself."They came into my view as i turned the corner.Kali showed a hint of a smile once she saw me. Aiden and Ethan turned around to see why she was smiling.

"Emily" Aiden spoke and walked over to me engulfing me in a big hug.I hugged back before letting go of him

"I'm glad you guys are alright."

"Did you get to Jennifer?" Ethan questioned.I shook my head and leaned into Aiden's side.

"I need help,I have to get stronger. I overheard Jen say that I have more power than I know of.I need to figure out what those are." I looked around at all of them."Will you help me?It's the only way I can kill her."


I dodged the large chair that was thrown in my direction and threw a shard of glass in Kali's direction.She caught it with her bare hands and threw it back at me.With the amount of training i've been doing last night I was able to catch it with my mind.Right in mid throw the shard of glass continued to float in the air.I turned the glass towards her direction and flung it.But before it hit her I stopped it and let it drop on the floor.

"You're getting way to good at that" Kali hissed,I chuckled and began running towards her throwing things in her direction, she dodged every item, those were only a distraction.Once I reached her I tackled her to the ground and my knife against her throat.I smirked at my victory and got up helping her as well.I glanced at the clock and cursed. "I think you can kill her." Kali admitted patting my back .

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