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The old wrinkly man looked at me as if I were a child,sipping his tea."My granddaughter is your best friend I assume?" His voice was unwelcoming,crackly and deep. We were in the Argent's house, sitting in the living room.I sat across from him keeping a comfortable distance.This man was not to be trusted. I didn't know why he brought me here, I never liked him. Since he has been here I feel like there has been a darkness around school. "Her father tells me that you have an amazing talent at archery."

"Allison's better than me. " The wooden floors creaked in the hallway and we both turned our attention to the living room door way as Allison's dad walked in.

"What is she doing here Gerard?" Gerard looked at me with his wrinkly old smile.

"I was thinking this beautiful young lady can be useful to our work." I choked on my water as he finished his statement.

"You mean work with you guys to kill wolves?" he shook his head.

"No we need. Those mongrels are luring this creature out for us.If you decide to join me I will go further into detail about what you would need to do.So what do you say?"

I focused on the way his eyes squinted, as if he was praying for me to accept the offer. Something about the way he looks it , it seems just odd.Everything about this man screamed run away and never look back.

"I don't know,is it possible for me to think about it before making a decision?" Chris stepped further into the room and nodded, helping me up and walking me to the front door. Maybe it wouldn't be bad choice, or it could be a horrible choice.


I walked up to the boys and jumped into their conversation."He thinks it's Lydia." Scott whispered to stiles not noticing I was right there.

"Who thinks what about Lydia" stiles peered at me and I could tell he was upset .

"Derek wants to possibly murder Lydia if she doesn't pass his little test. He's gonna paralyze her with the help of those two." Mentioning Derek sent a small tingle in my body. Like a nerve short circuited and had to redirect its impulse somewhere else.Issac and bitch face aka Erica were at their lockers looking as if they were engaged in their own conversation but no doubt they were listening to ours.

"Lets just keep them away from her and see how it goes." I sighed and walked with them into our science lab.

I stole a seat with Allison after Scott sat at Lydia's table. Stiles attempted to sit with her only to get yelled at.

" Allison i'm guessing you already know the whole plan" she nodded looking at Scott.

"We will be switching tables in 3 . 2 . 1" I got up and moved back.Issac sat beside me with a cocky smile .

"Hello beautiful " I ignored him and put the measure of powder in. "Oh don't be mad i'm just following orders from my alpha ." I continued to ignore him . He leaned his head towards my ear "Derek." he let Derek's name roll off his tongue in a seductive way . I could feel a chill roll down my spine I glared up at him chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"What do you want. " I snapped. He bit his lip and sat back.

"Nothing it just makes me laugh at how your heart speeds up when he is mentioned or he is around. As soon as Scott mentioned him in the hall you heart beat jumped." I rolled my eyes feeling slightly flushed.

"His name pisses me off."I lied. " Everything about him makes me upset. The fact he is thinking about hurting a teenager who has been through hell and back disgusts me."He scoffed and leaned closer to me speaking in a low whisper only so I can hear.

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now