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I got up from my bed and stretched . I took the shirt I was currently wearing and threw it in the laundry bin. I have to remember to give it back to Derek. The new wound I had last night was gone. Scott walked downstairs and I grabbed the car keys off the counter and walked to the car. Scott was more quiet than usual today , maybe he was upset over the fact he was grounded."Do you like Derek?" he blurted out . I bit my lip and started the car.

"Scott that's a dumb question" he turned his head out the window and sighed.

"You didn't answer me " he muttered.

" No I don't like him Scott. "I pulled out onto the road and started on our way to school. He humphed and crossed his arms, staring out the window the whole ride.  

Once we arrived at school Scott went to stiles automatically, and I actually was kind of looking for Jackson just to make sure nothing bad happens. I walked slowly to my class and sat in the back row I rested my head on my hands and stared out the window. Half listening to the lesson and the rest I just tuned out.

The first 4 periods went by pretty quickly it was already lunch time and I just stood quiet for the whole lunch.

"Hey um Emily wanna go to this underground party with me on Friday I have tickets already and I was just wondering if you would come with me." Some kid Matt asked, I nodded smiling generously.

"Um, Friday right?" he nodded and handed what looked like a flyer. I only knew this kid from trig, I don't know why he's asking me of all people. He seemed creepy in all honesty. "Actually I can't go but my friend might want to."

" Oh that sucks, but thanks anyway." He smiled and waved as he walked away. I crumpled the flyer and threw it in a barrel.

"Boo " Someone spoke in my ear . I turned around and Jackson was standing in front of me.

"Hey there." I looked around the hallway and Scott and Stiles were no where in site."No problems with Scott and Stiles right" he shook his head and leaned on the lockers.

"So hey , I was wondering maybe we can go to that dance party together tomorrow." I shut my locker.

"Is it the underground party?" I asked turning my attention towards him.

" Yeah ton of people are going and I don't have a date so..." 

What's the worst that could happen, besides him breaking out into scales and horror. 

" Sure, i'll go with you." he smiled and straightened out. He had the same cocky smile he wore all the time that made me nervous and a little attracted to him at the same time.

"So math class?" he asked pointing back. I nodded and we walked to trig together.


Taking strolls through the school was fun , unless you accidentally walk into a fight between Scott and Jackson in which Scott could be arrested but instead given detention. Wonderful.

 I sat by Jackson and put my head on the table, my head was filled with so many thoughts of what I was going to do with myself. I mean in the sense that all day I could not stop thinking about him. My phone buzzed and its like god was listening to my thoughts Derek texted my phone." We Need to talk." I didn't reply because my senses picked up and I could hear Scott talking to stiles.

"I changed my mind lets kill him" I sucked my teeth and sat up. Jackson was staring off into space and Matt was looking through his tablet. Allison looked off in her own world . Erica was with us as well . Jackson got up with his hand covering his eye like he was in pain."I need to go."

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now