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Look at us getting together again like old times." I cheered trying lighten her mood. She shrugged looking around while setting up a trap. I unloaded my bow from her car and ran off to the school ground setting down small scents that will attract Cora and Boyd . Something came up behind me and I attacked.

"Woah calm down there" Isaac shouted holding my attacking arm in mid air. I pulled away from him setting my knife down.

"Screw off Isaac " I snapped he shook his head trying to pull me with him.

"You shouldn't be here Emily you could get hurt." he whisper yelled . I rolled my eyes and started walking back to my original plan route. He followed me and I stopped walking catching him by the chest and keeping him there.

"Did you hear that?" i whispered he nodded looking around. I turned my back and groaned seeing the two rabid wolves snarling at us .They began to attack , Boyd went to Isaac and Cora came to me. I swiped her from underneath, she growled with rage and clawed my side.I flinched and stabbed her leg .A car pulled up beeping and flashing their headlights causing the two insane wolves to climb on top of the school and get away.

"Please tell me that they should be on the roof " I panted Isaac shook his head and I cussed running into the corridor and taking a sharp turn where Allison should be. "EMILY WAIT" i hear Isaac yell but i ignored it and run full speed . I got to the door seeing Allison on top of the buses . Boyd and Cora were there and I felt Isaac come from behind me.

Allison readied her shot and i turned to Isaac and covered his eyes with my hand. She began shooting the arrows and they startled the two into running into the school. I uncovered Isaac's eyes and he locked the double doors.

"Thanks " I smiled and we ran to the other side of the school to get in I ran down the steps of the boiler room seeing Scott by himself near the steel door.

"Where's derek ?" i heard loud vicious snarls come from inside the door. My mouth gaped in horror as i realized what was going on .

"Why'd you let him go in there , are you dumb?" i shoved Scott and tried to open the door . He grabbed my hands and held them behind my back.

"You can't go in there !" he yelled .

"HE WILL DIE IN THERE" I cried trying to kick free, i felt another pair of arms wrap around me.Isaac.

"Emily stop !" He yelled trying to absorb every blow I handed him, I finally calmed down understanding that this tantrum is unnecessary and let him take me upstairs. I watched as he went back down and opened the door with Scott heading into the room. "Emily we have to go" I looked at Allison and followed her to her car silently.


Allison handed me a clean shirt and some new jeans and I got dressed in her bathroom , wrapping the towel around my head.I had slept at her house last night because she didn't feel like bringing me home and I didn't feel like going home anyway. Derek hasn't answered my texts or calls so after school today I have to go see him.

"So you sure you don't need a ride home today" Allison asked me stepping into the school with me. I shook my head heading down the hall.

"Um Mr.Blake can i go to the bathroom?" I asked lowering my hand , he nodded and i got out of my seat , quickly leaving the room.I turned my phone on and looked at the one missed call from derek i got 10 minutes ago."Shit i'm stupid" i whispered to my self.I dialed his number and waited,one ring , two rings, voicemail.

This makes no sense why would he call and than press the f-you button.I turned the corner and bumped into something dropping my phone in the impact.

"Woah there"I looked up seeing one of the twins.

"I'm sorry i wasn't watching where i was heading" i mumbled . I bent down and picked up my phone.

"It's okay but do you mind walking with me for a second." he asked nicely.Poor guy was probably lost or something.

"Sure where are you head'in?" We started walking down the hallway slowly.

"I'm skipping the rest of class "he admitted smirking. I chuckled rolling my eyes.

"Watch out we got a bad ass over here." I giggled out .He laughed and the bell rang abruptly through the school.Everyone flooded the halls.He frowned and looked at me leaning on the wall in front of me.

"So I'll be seeing you around I guess ?" i asked .

"Yeah , you should give me your number." I smirked and took his hand turning it over and taking out one of my sharpies writing my number with my name over it . The second bell rang and i looked at my watch , last period is free period for me,"Gotta go text me later" i rushed out.He stood there watching me walk out of school.

I took this time to drive over to Derek's loft and check on him and Cora. I unlocked the lift and headed in. I opened the lift door to reveal a bloody mess on the floor being cleaned by Cora.

"What the hell happened " she looked up and her jaw dropped. She let go of the mop in her hand and stood straight .

"Emily?" I dropped my bag and ran over to her hugging her tighter than ever.With her strength she crushed me more than I crushed her.

"You guys know each other." .We parted and looked at Derek.

"Yeah , we were friends until she up and went missing after..." i didn't finish my sentence knowing he knew what i was going to say. She picked the mop back up and started cleaning up again.I took derek's hand and brought him to the window and sat on the table." never mind about that though , what happened here"Derek didn't even look at me , i snapped my fingers in his face regaining his attention. "Listen i haven't been completely honest about what's been happening this summer and the last few days."

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now