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Few days later

"So this party seems ... empty" I whisper to Scott and Stiles quietly.Literally no one was here.Poor Lydia looked so upset, " I'll use my co-captain status to bring some people" scott said and pulled out his phone texting a whole bunch of people.

" i'll text my track mates." i said and pulled out my phone sending the same text to mostly all my contacts - " Sweet party at Lydia's tonight come out if you want ... there's booze"

That outta catch their eye. In almost a matter or 20 minutes door bells kept ringing and people flooded in,"Yo Emily what up !!" Some people shouted coming over to me. The whole night was hectic,stiles was drunk , Scott was acting unstable since it was the full moon and Allison disappeared. Lydia is no where to be found either. I feel like the only sane person here , its like everyone who took a drink of that alcohol is crazy.I walked over to the fountain and looked inside of the alcohol,there were purple flowers floating on the top.I held one up and sniffed it flinching as it burned my nostrils."Shit Wolfs bane I gotta find Scott."

"HEY NO NO I CANT SWIM" someone screamed. I ran over to the pool seeing Matt struggling to get out of the water. I ran over to the pool side and so did Jackson. We pulled him out of the water as everyone just stared at us. Scott and Stiles seemed like they knew something and it clicked together. I stepped away from Matt. " What are you looking at!?!" he stormed back into the house and on que cop sirens were heard in the distance. People started running off of Lydia's property. Scott ran to the front lawn and Matt was standing there completely furious and kanima Jackson was at his side.A car passed them,and suddenly they disappeared

My phone started to ring and it was an unknown number." Hello ?"

"Hello Emily its wonderful to be talking to you again"Gerards old voice spoke through the speaker. I looked at scott and walked away to my car.

I closed the door and put the phone on speaker setting it on the dashboard.

"What do you want Gerard "There were voices in the background of his call. It sounded like a hospital.

"I wanted to let you know that Allison will be needing your support tonight if you may come over please." I turned the corner and looked at her house. It looked empty.Chris's car was outside though so that should be a sign. I knocked on the door and leaned on the stair bars. Chris opened the door and he looked horrible. His eyes were red and his face was tear stained. " What happened ?"


"Does Allison know how this really happened ?"I asked grabbing another tissue to wipe my eyes with. He shook his head .Derek couldn't have possibly done this . I mean he really hated the argent's but he wouldn't kill her.She'd have to to something really terrible.

"She loved you like her own Emily since you and Allison first became friends she knew you were going to be a great friend to my daughter and your proved her right . "

I smiled halfheartedly.

"She was a great woman besides Melissa i would have called her a great mother figure even in the short time I've known you all ."He took a envelope and handed it to me. It had my name scribbled in cursive on it. Chris put his hand on mine and looked at me with sad eyes.

" Read it when you're ready okay" I nodded and stood up . I looked down at my phone to see two missed calls from Scott and a voice mail.

"Do you mind if i check this ?" Chris got up and left the room." Matt put the gun down ." I could hear stiles father speaking and the muffling of the phone. " Put your phones on the table or I shoot you " the line went dead again. Gun? Matt? If it was Stiles dad there then they must be at the police station. They're in trouble . I looked around and ran outside . I popped the trunk of my car and lifted the false trunk floor.All of my hunting weapons were in there . I took out my crossbow and my custom made hand gun and got into the drivers seat and sped off with my headlights off just to avoid any attention from police. I parked in the back of the station and silently got out .There was gun shots from the inside of the building and i ran to the back door . It was locked so i took the bobby pin out of my hair and crouched down to pick the lock.

I popped my collar just in case Jacksons in here.

"Emily?" Derek was on the floor , stiles was on the side of him and i shushed them both pulling out my gun .Stiles looked really happy to see me and derek i could have sworn he cracked a smile. I walked over to him and kicked him in the side as hard as i could. " what the hell!"

" thats for getting Victoria Argent killed"I said and walked off into the hallway . Blood was everywhere there were two dead officers and blood trailing to where there might be to others. I walked down the hall and spotted Scott in Mr.Stilinski's office .His shirt was bloody also he must have been shot . Matt had his phone in his hands holding a gun to Scott's head. I held my gun higher trying to aim at Matt but Jackson walked into the picture . Well what used to be Jackson.

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now