twenty four

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There's a knock on theor and before I can speak, in pops Stiles head."Scott wants you to come with me instead of meeting up with him."

I load the pistol in my hand with silver bullets containing wolfs bane.Mr.Argent gave it to me for my birthday last year and maybe I can put it to good use in order to kill Deucalion after Jennifer is done with.

"Okay,just one second" I murmur.The door opens wider and Stiles come into the room and pulls me into a giant hug.Why is he hugging me it's not like I lost my parent.

Well Melissa is my parent in a way and the thought of her being hurt twists around in my stomach like a knife.I slowly wrap my arms around his waist breathing in his cologne."We're gonna put an end to all of this tonight, and we'll find your dad and everything will be fine again."He pulls away and scratches the back of his head.

"Stop trying to make me feel better Em. You're the one who needs to feel better." I shrug his words off and tuck my gun in the waist band of my jeans. Tugging on my jacket and putting my hair in a ponytail.He watches my movements from my door tapping his foot impatiently.

"Lets go I'll take my car, you take your jeep."He bounces down the stairs ahead of me.I'm not actually going to follow him to the cellar.I'm gonna follow Scott, if anyone is gonna kill her, it's gonna be me.Scott's scent is still strong enough to follow.

Halfway through the journey I park the car on the side of the road.Following his scent by foot so my cover won't be blown.It takes me to an abandoned warehouse with metal walls that looked as if the wind might blow it over any second.The storm happening around me is roaring to life.Dust began to pick up and blow into my eyes, my arm flew over shielding it from blinding me completely.Lightning flashed brightly in the night sky.Jennifer is getting stronger.

I hurry over to the building and press my body against the cold metal wall.The wind was roaring so loud that the voices inside were drowned out."Son of a bitch."I cussed silently.How am I going to figure out when they start fight-.

A large boom slammed into the wall I was leaned against causing it to rattle.I jumped back and began to run to the entrance, Derek was thrown to the ground by a demon looking wolf.Scott was fighting Jennifer.Things were going well for Scott and Deucalion. I chose to observe the battle,waiting for a chance to slip in.

The sky began to brighten.I glanced down at my watch, it only read 9pm. The eclipse was happening.Slowly the wolves began to transform into their human selves. Panic rose as Jennifer realized what was happening.She began fighting them with all her power.Beating Deucalion half to death.Derek rose.

"Wait, don't you want him to see what he's done to you?"He pleaded, I crouched getting ready to pounce.She shielded a hand over Deucalion's eyes. She's healing him.

"If it weren't for Emily I wouldn't be able to do this."She murmured. Finally it all came together, ever since the murders in the town have been happening my power has been failing. She's been feeding off of me. I finally ran forward fast as a bullet and knocked her off of Deucalion. We flew into the wall and fell on top of each other. I rolled over on top of her and began throwing punches repeatedly. Blood trickled from my fists as they impacted with her teeth. She roared and threw me off of her with an invisible force. I slid into a pile of bins."WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT HOW YOU CAN'T BEAT ME EMILY!"Her voice boomed off of the walls and popped my ears.She raised me up and smashed her head into mine. I dropped to the floor and clutched my forehead trying to rub the pain away. I lifted myself from the ground and threw a bin at her. She dodged it and then it came flying back at me. I rolled out of the way and pulled my gun from my waistband and fire at her.The bullet bounced off a invisible shield. Shooting her was useless, she was invincible.

She stalked me laughing at my failed attempts to hurt her. I stopped trying and let her attack me. She tackled me onto the ground and began bashing my head against the concrete."Just."she bashed my head again, "Die." My head bounced off the concrete again. Black dots speckled my vision.

This is the end.

Suddenly a force pushed her body off of me. I sat up feeling adrenaline pulse through me. A wave of panic spread on her face and before I could reach her she threw mountain ash around her. Scott got up and began to push on the invisible barrier that separated her from us.

"You've tried this before and it didn't work, what makes you think it'll work now." She mocked with a smug grin on her face. As Scott began to push even harder against the shield it began to tremble. The ring of his iris's began to change. The golden color began to be overpowered by blood red neon. The final strand of gold was covered and the ash was blown back. Jennifer screamed as her protection was shattered.

"KILL HER!" Deucalion screamed. Scott hesitated as his claw rose in the air. I pushed him out of the way and drove my knife deep across her throat. Her hands clamped over the slit and blood gushed from between her fingers. A wave of nausea washed over my body and I stumbled back and fell onto my knee's."If you die I die." Jennifer gargled. Derek rushed over to me holding me in his arms. My eyesight faded away as I passed out.


The soft rhythmic beep of a heart monitor lifted me from the darkness of sleep.My eyes refused to open so I let my other senses work.A hand was rested upon mine and there were three heartbeats pounding on either side of me. I inhaled through my noise and the comfortable scent of Scott's cologne filled my lungs.I couldn't pin point who the other scent was Feeling curious I willed my right eye to open, I peeked through my lashes and sighed seeing Derek. He must be wearing something new because usually I can smell him from a mile away.

"Emily." Derek whispered.He pushed his chair closer to my bed and went to clasp my hand.I let him hold it."You're okay." He said, relief filling his tone.

"I'm dying of thirst." I croaked out. My throat felt as if I swallowed a gallon of sand. My head was pounding and everything hurt. Just taking in a small breath sent a wave of pain through my chest.Scott's head snapped up and he glanced at me.

"Good god you're awake." He stood up and kissed my forehead. "I'll go get Mom and tell her you're awake."He spoke softly, probable aware of the massive migraine that cursed my brain.He closed the door behind him and left me alone with Derek. He just stared at me for what felt like forever. Honestly it felt so awkward, we haven't talked since I bumped into him at school.Before things could get anymore weird, the door swung open and in popped Stiles. Derek groaned and got up."I'm gonna go, I just wanted to see that you were okay." I smiled at him. Stiles walked over and sat on the side of the bed.

"Melissa told me to give this to you." He handed me a cup of water. I graciously took it chugging it down soothing the Sahara desert that burdened my throat.

"Thank you." I gurgled through sips.He shrugged and leaned on my bed.

"We thought you were going to die." He murmured. I lifted my hand and smoothed the wrinkles on his forehead he held my hand against his cheek.

"I don't plan on leaving you guys anytime soon." I cooed. The door opened and Melissa walked in holding a clip board. She walked over to my bed and began checking my vitals.

"So Emily, you have , or should I say had a broken arm, bruised ribs and a concussion. You're cleared to go home today." She removed my I.V and handed me a bag from underneath the table. I groaned as I tried to sit up from the comfortable padding of the bed.

"Stiles can you help me." He stood up and held my head and placed a hand on my lower back. I pushed up from the bed successfully sitting up. I opened the bag and pulled out the shirt inside along with the sweatpants.

"I'll give you privacy." Stiles said beginning to leave the room.

"No I need help.It's not like you haven't seen me in a bikini, undergarments are the same." I pulled my shirt over my head and removed the hospital gown. "Help me stand up." He grabbed my waist and I pulled the sweat pants on.

"Did you lose weight?" He questioned. I shrugged and fixed the birds nest of hair on my head.

"I haven't been eating as much as i used to." I commented. He sucked his teeth and frowned.

"I'm buying you lunch and your eating it all." I chuckled as we began to walk, well he was walking, I was limping. He sat me in his jeep and we left the hospital grounds.

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now