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"I swear to god Gerard you're not going to get away with this!" I shouted trying to break free from the kanima's tight grip he had on Allison and I's neck. Derek was breathing heavily as he gripped on to his stomach after being attacked. Scott walked over to Derek slowly grabbing him and bringing him to Gerard.

"Oh Emily but I already have. " Scott opened Derek's mouth and Gerard placed his arm in derek's mouth.Derek bit down and Gerard began smiling in satisfaction raising the arm that had been bitten. The very man who had his own son murder his wife because she had been bitten and turned , the very man who burned down the house of innocent people because they were wolves had just purposely gotten bitten because he was dying of cancer. Well this man deserved the award for biggest hypocrite of the year. The bite then started to ooze a black trail of blood leading down his arm. He then looked at his arm with fury in his eyes.

"What is this, what did you do." Scott looked at Derek seeming perfectly fine with the event.

"Everyone always said Gerard had a plan ,I had a plan too", never in my life could i have loved Scott more than anything.We weren't related but the fact we thought so much alike amazes me.

My mouth gaped as the black blood or goo dripped down from Gerard's eyes and nose and it spurted like a fountain from his mouth. I cringed and closed my eyes feeling the urge to throw up the contents of my lunch.Once the black stuff stopped spurting everywhere he fell to the floor .

" How did you know?" Derek asked looking up at Scott .

" you may be an alpha , but you're not my alpha." As Gerard tried to drag himself away he glared at the kanima with absolute rage burning in his eyes. "kill them , KILL.THEM.ALL" I peered over at Allison and we both hit the kanima and it dropped us to the floor and I clutched my neck. Gerard fell limp probably dead.

A loud screeching burst into the warehouse as Stiles jeep crashed through . Lydia was in the car with him and he peeked through an eye,"Did i hit him" he asked. The kanima jumped onto the hood of the jeep and they stumbled out . Stiles ran over to Scott but lydia stood in front of jackson.

" Jackson!" she yelled in front of him holding up a key. He looked at the key like he was remembering something from the past and took it out of her fingers phasing back to his regular form.

Out of nowhere another man came from behind the machinery and attacked Jackson along with Derek. They dug their claws into his skin lifting him and than letting him fall to the ground .

My hands flew over my mouth stifling a scream.

They killed him,they just murdered him with no reason

"WE COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!"I cried out.Lydia held him in her arms sobbing.I could not even look at Derek right now .

The tears slid silently down my cheeks as Jackson fell limp in her arms. I could feel a presence behind me and I looked back seeing Derek give me an apologetic look and I stood frozen allowing the feeling of his hand brush with mine. Lydia set Jackson down and stood .

She walked over to us showing the true pain of having someone you've loved for so long die in your arms. Stiles went to walk over to her only to stop as the sound of claws slowly dragging on the floor was heard. We looked at Jackson as he opened his now blue eyes and stood slowly.The fear that grew in the pit of my belly washed away as his body phased into the form he should have taken.Werewolf.Stiles stepped up wiping his nose clearly disappointed.

" I scratched my jeep."


We got Jackson cleaned up and fully clothed and parted ways. Scott went with Allison and i just drove home to try and clear my head. I unlocked my front door dragging my feet and grabbing a few painkillers before going to bed.

I closed my bedroom door and put music on softly in the background while setting my cross bow back in the closet. I dropped onto my bed feeling at peace for the first time in forever.The thought of knowing that Jackson is fine and Allison's not crazy anymore made me happy . I just felt bad for Stiles the poor boy probably thought he would end up with Lydia only to have his heart broken once again he deserves someone who will love him for him , and me well i don't even know what's gonna happen with me anytime soon after all of this i finally feel the sense of clarity and safety knowing that i won't have to deal with any crazy kanima's anymore and maybe Deaton can find out more about why I can heal myself and even heal other people . There was a soft tap on my window breaking the thoughts I was going through. I got up and went over to my window opening it only for Derek to jump in , I groaned in annoyance and sat on my bed again looking up at him as he awkwardly stood in front of the window.

"Did you come to tell me more reasons to make me upset or to apologize about pretty much killing my best friends mom?"I snapped having every reason to be upset and really not in the mood to enjoy his presence. He walked over sitting down on the side of me . I brought my legs up and crossed them.

"I came to tell you something actually."he admitted sternly . He probably came to tell me more reasons of why he couldn't like me or whatever. But you know what i'm going to tell him the truth first before he could make the list longer.

" Can i say what i had to say first?"i asked trying to sound nice . He took a minute before nodding and giving the signal to speak. I took a small breath and closed my eyes .

"Derek i think i might have a stronger feeling then just like for you and I can't stop thinking about you anymore.It's sickening.I've never felt a true form of rejection until the other night and it hurts and I have no clue why.All i know is that i want to be with you in every way possible and if that means i just have to settle with being just friends then that's fine.At least I get to be with you in someway." I rushed out stumbling a little with my words opening my right eye trying to see he reaction. His face was completely serious , like whatever i said he didn't even hear.My stomach felt weak and my fingers kept tapping on my knee.

"It's weird that your telling me this because I needed to tell you that I don't think I have to power inside me to stay away from you anymore.I don't care if your younger than me,you have this advantage over me where every single minute i'm worrying about you.All i can do is think of you."

I smiled a little feeling his hand rest over mine stopping the annoying tapping i was doing. His hand was so much larger than mine so it completely covered my hand.

" Derek i don't care if every moment im with you we seem to be in some sort of danger and i don't care if you're some alpha, I just want to you do something for me" he nodded stroking his fingers across my knee cap. I looked down biting my lip slightly."Kiss me.'' I breathed looking up at him through my eyelashes . He smiled and cupped my face in his hand slowly leaning in and pressing his lips against mine . It wasn't as forced as the kiss at the police station, it was perfect the sparks were still there as our lips moved in perfect sync.He broke the kiss and I rested my head on his shoulder smiling.

That night he didn't sleep over but he promised to see me the next day and that made me happy enough.

The next morning i went with Scott and Stiles to the school field and sat on the grass listening to them talk about Lydia and Allison. The sun was hidden behind clouds and it reminded me of the old times when we used to hang out .

"You know what i just realized?"Scott asked.


"Im right back where i started" Scott said smiling standing in front on the goal post.

"What do you mean?" stiles asked . I held my knees looking at Scott.

" No lacrosse , no popularity , no girlfriend." he stated . I laughed at him slightly as Stiles looked offended.

"Hey you have me and Emily" Stiles spoke.

"But i had you guys before" Scott answered. Catching a ball Stiles threw towards him.

"Exactly life fulfilled."I giggled.

"I love you guys.Never let anything break us up."I said loud enough for them to hear me.

"We love you too."They spoke at the same time.Stiles took the ball in his net and threw it at the Goal.

Maybe after all of this the last two months of school and summer will be so much better than any of the past years.

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now